armor glow

armor glow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


Sylvari/TA armors glow. I dont mean some small parts, but they react completly different to darkness and also to other lights. I have a combinition I totally are in Love with, but in the dark it fits not together. Either is only the skirt glowing (what looks hilarious in my eyes) or it is not complete dark, but while the skirt keeps it colours, the colours of the rest are influenced of the lights and does not fit to the actual colour, that the skirt skill has.

I would love to have an item to add the glow to armors (maybe also other effect with other items). This way such combinitions work out and there should be tons of players, which want to use such items.

armor glow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Instead how about a slider in the hero panel to adjust particle effects and armor glow.

armor glow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


hmm, not sure, how this would look.