

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.3109


What about an automation of certain activities, like an autorepair armor button, which gets triggered whenever you walk by an armor smith. Or an option on every single item to automatically trigger an action like salvage this, autosell it to a merchant when you find one etc..
Maybe you could even add a programming language which has arguments like: When you pass this point activate this item, change skills to wtf so ever, equip this and that etc..


in Suggestions

Posted by: afatpaws.7810


What’s the point of automating all that? Like I don’t want my items auto sold cuz maybe I want to salvage them.. That just sounds like a disaster.. I don’t know. I’d rather just sell all my stuff and repair it on my own..


in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.3109


What’s the point of automating all that? Like I don’t want my items auto sold cuz maybe I want to salvage them.. That just sounds like a disaster.. I don’t know. I’d rather just sell all my stuff and repair it on my own..

If you want your item not to be autosold then don’t activate it for that item? That’s the point of it. It would save a lot of time for a lot of people