base the looks of an armor on profession

base the looks of an armor on profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: dontrippy.8906


in guildwars 1 all armor looks were based on the profession you played, and every profession had alot of max lvl armors to choose from, wich caused alot more variety between players’ looks then there is in guildwars 2 right now.

everyone of the same level just wears approximately the same armor, either new skins or profession based looks on armor skins would already be a great help in that aspect.

(edited by dontrippy.8906)

base the looks of an armor on profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Transmutation stone. At level 80 I’m still wearing my Beetleton Coat from level 14. More then that, if I find something I like on one character for another character, I don’t want it to look different when my other character puts it on.

Having some unique class gear like we currently have for race gear wouldn’t be objectionable, just not everything.

i meant that in guild wars one all armor looks were based on profession

You could have just editted that in… Like I editted this in

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

base the looks of an armor on profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: dontrippy.8906


Transmutation stone. At level 80 I’m still wearing my Beetleton Coat from level 14. More then that, if I find something I like on one character for another character, I don’t want it to look different when my other character puts it on.

Having some unique class gear like we currently have for race gear wouldn’t be objectionable, just not everything.

i meant that in guild wars one all armor looks were based on profession

You could have just editted that in… Like I editted this in

you are correct about the edit :p however i don’t mean to say that i’m like “those skins i don’t like” because that is what transmuttion is for i just find it sad that lets say winged armor looks the same on mesmer as on ele, sylvari, norn human it doesn’t matter it looks the same, there should be variation in it somewhere

(edited by dontrippy.8906)

base the looks of an armor on profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: pluzoid.2597


This game has more customisation than most mmos. Transmute stones allow you to take stats off one armour piece then take the visual off the other.
Map completions give transmute stones.
Also you can find armour sets and funky looking weeps from renown vendors (hearts). You’d be suprised as how good the renown sets look. Another thing to investigate at level 80 :—p plus renown armour and weps are cheep karma.. Doesn’t matter bout thr stats cuz you get the, from the 80 gear

base the looks of an armor on profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: FacesOfMu.3561


I like the idea that some armour sets could be released to suit the themes of professions, or even optional accessories to armours to change their looks other than colour, but it doesn’t need to be restrictive to professions, or cause the existing armours to change.
I’d like to maintain the freedom of costuming my character based on whatever theme matters to me, including profession – but not be limited to or by it.

People vary.

base the looks of an armor on profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: ancient highway.4256

ancient highway.4256

You have options to customize your look now through the transmutation stones and using different styles mixed together. As an example, why would a tunic look different on someone with a different profession? A robe is a robe. Every medium armored character doesn’t have to look like a pirate, it’s that way just because people like to look like pirates.
I’ve got 6 casters, 2 in each profession. Once they reached level 20, they stopped looking the same because of the variety of armor available. Just crafting alone, a leather working can make a bandana, a half face mask, a monocular and goggles. Then there’s the pirate hat and Robin Hood style hat that come to mind as loot drops.
Variety is out there allowing you to make your own professional styles. It’s just a matter of finding the look you want.