card game "final fantasy VIII" style
Yes! I agree!
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Ehhh, I had a love-hate relationship with that game in FFVIII. Still, I wouldn’t mind it as long as we don’t have that stupid Random rule. :P
imagine different rules that come from different regions/races of GW2. Even the skritts could have their special rules !
i’d rather we get polymock back honestly… which, we’re probably getting… so yeah, nevermind
Perhaps the only RP-oriented guild on the server
Main Character: Farathnor (sylvari ranger) 1 of 22
Yes we definitely need more mini games. GW1 had beetle racing and Polymock, an in-game collectible card game pastime would be awesome.
I would like simple card games like poker in taverns and at tables in some places. With different races and places there could be different collectable decks and rules, for example Lion’s Arch has genuine gold-leaf cards with ornate numbering and illustrations, while Black Citadel might have more authoritarian, simple cards. Collecting an entire deck of any gives you a unique title. Collecting all of them gives you a title and a set of townclothes that cannot be otherwise acquired. You can dye your cards for a bit of individuality. You use chips as a currency in these games, and each different city has a different kind of Chip, which you can also collect.
I only say I want poker because I am terrible at other card games xD I’d actually be fine with other forms and rules, poker would be simpler to make and better-known, though.
a simple version of Magic: the Gathering with Guild Wars creatures and spells :P
That Is An Amazing Idea!
They have a lot of mini-games planned. Mentioned activities: includes bar brawl, polymock and a shooting range.
If you look around the cities you will find hints of other mini-games they might want to put in. Moa Racing is the most obvious.
WOOT! FFVIII card game ftw!! Lolz. Idc how much people hate that game it has been one of my favorite FF games for years! Yes card game ftw indeed, nice idea
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
I love the idea of this as a collectible card game, but I HATE the idea of having to kill the same monster over and over again to get their card, especially if it’s a boss that I need to run a whole dungeon just to get one swing at.
Here’s a better idea for obtaining cards: when you kill enough monsters to get their related ‘slayer’ achievement, you get a booster pack containing all the cards relating to that group of monsters. So when you get “Bandit Slayer”, you get a pack of cards containing “Bandit Scout”, “Bandit Outlaw”, “Veteran Bandit Leader”, etc.
For dungeon bosses, you get their card after the first time you beat them. Or if we want this to be harder, you get cards for all bosses of a dungeon after you beat story + every explorable path of that dungeon once.
That’s how I would WANT to see it done. I know what would ACTUALLY happen is ANet would lock all the good cards behind a monster-killing-grind and then optionally let us buy them from the Gem Store instead. (And/or make us use a dumb Gem Store RNG to get them.) -__- This whole thing would just become total Gem Store fodder like the Wintersday minis were. Which is sad because if they did that I totally wouldn’t bother trying to participate in it.
If you want to play the FF8 card game, then go play FF8? Not saying it to be mean but Guild Wars 2 has not gotten so stale that it needs to blatantly take portions of other games like FF or HoMM, given time they will add their own unique ideas. If I can interest you in some sarcasm, “Let’s add pokeballs or croquet, nobody will miss them.”
Can’t wait for their own in game minigame additions.
“Let’s add pokeballs or croquet, nobody will miss them.”
Bahahaha. This gave me the mental image of capturing Zhaitan with a masterball. MAKE IT HAPPEN ANET.
I definitely hope that ANet will implement more minigames soon. At the moment I came across an archery game in Divinity’s Reach which was not available yet as well as the carnival, and the non-functional Asura Gate which is marked for Polymock in Rata Sum. And then there’s that red painted ring looking like the ArenaNet logo in Lion’s Arch which looks like it could serve as a battle arena for mini’s.
Personally I believe that adding minigames to the major cities would help greatly in getting more people out of Lion’s Arch and spread them around all the cities.
Archery Range/Carnival
Moa Racing
Bar Brawl
Mini Arena
And I wouldn’t mind a game similar to FF8’s Triple Triad either. I really enjoyed that mini-game in FF8 (until I came across the ‘Random’ rule).
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Idk if its the same as FFVIII but in FF Chocobo Tales there was an enjoyable card game. That could work.
Or you could have something like Fallout: New Vegas and Caravans. You start with a normal deck of 52 cards but once you buy a bunch of cards you can customize your deck.
I’m fairly certain that whatever type of card they implement, its only going to improve the game. Even in Skylanders there is a small minigame called Skystones. Horribly unbalanced but its fun to think that you’re actually “levelling up” your deck by finding better cards.
If you want to play the FF8 card game, then go play FF8? Not saying it to be mean but Guild Wars 2 has not gotten so stale that it needs to blatantly take portions of other games like FF or HoMM, given time they will add their own unique ideas. If I can interest you in some sarcasm, “Let’s add pokeballs or croquet, nobody will miss them.”
Can’t wait for their own in game minigame additions.
Well, only the main idea would be copied (cards dropping from monsters), anything else can be changed.
Something I’l make definetely a Concept around some time later here, as its one thing I’ve suggested already multiple times in different forums, be it english or german, what I wanted to see in the game already in GW1 besides the implementation of playable music instruments and other cool social features.
Mini games like a collectable card game are social things that GW2 is absolutely missing. But personally I’m for more features around this… but more about this in my concept thread later
I love the idea of this as a collectible card game, but I HATE the idea of having to kill the same monster over and over again to get their card, especially if it’s a boss that I need to run a whole dungeon just to get one swing at.
Here’s a better idea for obtaining cards: when you kill enough monsters to get their related ‘slayer’ achievement, you get a booster pack containing all the cards relating to that group of monsters. So when you get “Bandit Slayer”, you get a pack of cards containing “Bandit Scout”, “Bandit Outlaw”, “Veteran Bandit Leader”, etc.
For dungeon bosses, you get their card after the first time you beat them. Or if we want this to be harder, you get cards for all bosses of a dungeon after you beat story + every explorable path of that dungeon once.
That’s how I would WANT to see it done. I know what would ACTUALLY happen is ANet would lock all the good cards behind a monster-killing-grind and then optionally let us buy them from the Gem Store instead. (And/or make us use a dumb Gem Store RNG to get them.) -__- This whole thing would just become total Gem Store fodder like the Wintersday minis were. Which is sad because if they did that I totally wouldn’t bother trying to participate in it.
I agree with you. More ways to acquire those cards and NO cash shop.
The best part about the card game system was that is allowed you to beat the game without having gained a single level (because you could turn your enemies into cards ansd thus avoid earning XP) and then transmute the cards into materials and magic that you could use to make the best geat for your characters and give your characters max stats.
No levelup FF8 games were the best but the hardest to pull off if you were a completionist which meant you had to get the GF which would randomly come in and kill the mobs before you could turn them into cards.
But if you did pull it off the game was impossibly easy. The reason is that in FF8, the mobs stats were based on your character’s level. So a final boss that should have had over a million hp and stupidly high resistances would have only 120,000hp and no resistances if you never leveled. And since most of the characters could use limit breaks every turn that hit multiple times for 9,999 damage per hit you were able to one shot basically every boss.
(edited by Ellisande.5218)
Omg this is a really good idea. I loved card games in pc. Magic the gathering, Etherlords. Omg I really love this.
Maybe Polymock minigame in gw2 would be that game style
“Let’s add pokeballs or croquet, nobody will miss them.”
Bahahaha. This gave me the mental image of capturing Zhaitan with a masterball. MAKE IT HAPPEN ANET.
Zhaitan uses DARK ATTACK.
It’s super effective!
Zhaitan’s DARK ATTACK hits wild Trahearne for 4,000,000 damage!
Wild Trahearne fainted!
Zhaitain gained 1063 EXP. points!
Zhaitain grew to LV 84!
(Could you submit this idea to the developers please )
(UP for the topic because it’s the same subject )
As you all know the Norn and Asura have their own mini game
Humans have the bar brawl but why not give them another mini game more.
A game that is simple to implement (addictive) and simple in its operation, which will allow us to add diversity in the game and on top of that relate to Arenanet without the player is injured.
I’m talking about a card game like Final Fantasy 8 !
To illustrate my point I joined a small video:
1. Operation
(Simple version of the card game!)
The scene of the game is a “play mat” consisting of 9 boxes or it will put its cards, you will need a total of 5 cards in your hand that you choose from your deck. (Or many card if you prefer)
As you can see the maps of monsters (this could be monster cards or characters from the world of GW1 and GW2) have different numbers, 4 in total from 1 to 9 and A which corresponds to the number 10 ( see more of the tutorial). These numbers are located on the top right of the map-shaped diamond.
As the video is simply the strongest numbers outweighs the lowest numbers
Example (taken from the beginning of the video): We are introducing a card player on the “play mat down all right” these figures are (in the sense of clockwise) = 8 (top) 4 ( right) 4 (low) 8 (left).
The opposing player places his card right up while no interaction between the cards since it does not touch.
Then it was our turn to play the opponent to place a card whose numbers are(in the sense of clockwise) = A (high) 4 (right) 6 (bottom) 9 (left)
Suffice it to place a card that is “stronger” than one side of the opponent’s card so in this case the right side of the card number 4. Out it is not available, however the 6 yes.
it is sufficient to place a card below it whose number is greater than the number 7,8,9 and 6 therefore an A to win this card.
To win the game is easy you just need to win the maximum card ! (When you win a card it appears as your colors in the example of the video is blue) once placed 9 cards is easy you just need to count how many card you win!
Once done you earn the right to take a card from your opponent.
2. Means of Obtaining
Just as we get mini pets via the in-game store will need to either buy a card pack (5 cards?) or loot cards on monsters.
Card could be exchanged like mini pet in the auction house.
Finally, as each event like Flame and Frost exclusive pack card will be purchasable in the shop.
As the mini pet, card game will be collectable too
Here I hope you like my idea and that developers will implement this proposal!
Thank you for reading my text and what do you think about that ?
Chocobo racing… the whole works. Colors are for aesthetic purposes… But who doesn’t want a glowing mount :P
To be honest, I have hated every single pointless mini game that came with RPG’s ever since their conception. FF 8 had that annoying triple triad card game for example. I’ve always hated it, but when playing those games, you always some how get suckered into doing them anyway. No video does my thoughts regarding pointless mini games more justice than Spoony’s review of it all:
(Warning, harsh language inside)