colletable dances

colletable dances

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolfstricker.8241


i think that every game needs cool collectables that will draw people to play it.
i was thinking of an other possible collecteables, dances , i think that if you will make a dances that are learnable but really rare it will make people want to play and get them

also i think they shouldnt be purchased by gems but it should be a rare drop.
if itll be purchased by gems it will ruin the interst of players.

what do you think?

(edited by wolfstricker.8241)

colletable dances

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sehson.2930


I don’t know about collectible but I do wish the characters had more then 1 dance tied to your race.

colletable dances

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Can you say gem store idea?
I can and I’d totally love my sylvari to start liquid dancing.

colletable dances

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolfstricker.8241


ok so maby not collectible but there should be more then 1 dance for each charcter and i think that if it will be chosen by the charcter itll be better.