confirmation window to "kick from guild"
+1 to this
excellent idea!
In my guild officers make mistakes few times, cos of that
Yes, there should definitely be at least a confirmation box. I’d prefer to see it that a member can only be kicked from the guild pane.
Sorrows Furnace
I support this. I’m always terrified that I’ll accidentally click that option.
This is a good idea.
So therefore it probably isn’t going to happen…
+1 to this. As an officer myself, I have, by accident, removed people from the guild, when I mearly wanted to remove them from a party. It isn’t that much of an issue as re-inviting them to the guild is a simple thing to do, but it would save a lot of hassle/questions if we had some kind of confirmation box.
Guild Forum / Facebook Group Page
Lvl 80 Guardian(x2), Ranger, Warrior, Elementalist, Engineer, Necromancer, Mesmer, Thief.
I just accidentally kicked a guild member as well and feel like an kitten this option shouldn’t even be available here. Just flat out remove this option from the right click profile, and leave it at the guild window.