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Posted by: dybryd.1358


…makes you look SO half-kittened and SO released-before-you-were-ready. It’s like one of those late-nineties websites with an “under construction” icon.

I don’t think you really are, I think it’s just your slightly passive-aggressive way of telling off exploiters. But most of the players who see the message are not the exploiters you’re thwarting, we’re just innocent players who are suddenly being jarred out of the fantasy wrold we were trying to lose ourselves in by an obtrusive error message.

Just remove it, for heaven’s sake. Why do you need to insert any message at all? It’s not like we’re going to be all that surprised or shocked to not get a drop from a given mob.

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Posted by: Clem.2963


It is pretty obnoxious.

Even if they just had the chat message and not the in-your-face on-screen message, surely that would be enough.

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Posted by: Hawken.7932


Yeah I’d have to agree. I have no real issues with the diminishing rewards system — I can understand why it’s there — but I would rather have some grey junk item worth 1c be looted from a corpse, called “Ruined (insert name of thing I might have gotten otherwise)” than have that message pop up Either that or nothing at all.

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Posted by: FateOmega.9601


I am not sure what triggered that. I was just moving across the the land gathering and killing mob and it popped up.

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Posted by: FlamingBirdy.3164


I am not sure what triggered that. I was just moving across the the land gathering and killing mob and it popped up.

From what I hear certain mobs don’t reward loot (not sure about exp) for the time being, Risen Grubs included.

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Posted by: Hawken.7932


It’s an indication of the diminishing returns kicking in, no?

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Posted by: Cloudwalkernz.1328


I got that message yesterday while walking from Lion Arch to Orr while killing random mobs. I just ignored it. It is a warning for exploiters? How am I exploiting anything if I am just running from 1 place to another without using fast travel (Too expensive to fast travel at lvl 80)?

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Posted by: ounkeo.9138


I was in the middle of a giant defence battle when I got that popup right in my face, several times! Way to just throw yoru players out of the world.

It’s like being on a hot date having a romatinc dinner and you think things are going great and then your date farts really loudly and repeatedly and decides to vomit on the table, looks up at you seductively and licks her lips.

Seriously, after that, I’m just not in the mood no matter how epic you lick your lips.

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Posted by: Dead.7385


I got that message after last big patch. Oddly only in Orr and I saw it mostly near Arah during the event to take the dungeon back.

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Posted by: FateOmega.9601


I am not sure what triggered that. I was just moving across the the land gathering and killing mob and it popped up.

From what I hear certain mobs don’t reward loot (not sure about exp) for the time being, Risen Grubs included.

That might have been it. I seem to recall a risen grub among the mob that tried to swarm me.

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Posted by: royalme.6208


It breaks game immersion.

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Posted by: Reihert.1509


Got that from a personal story and only when looting risen grubs.

My latest experience with anet has changed from awsome to awkwardly silent.

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Posted by: ASB.4295


They also disabled the betting games in the charr area, probably for the same reason. Just saying.

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Posted by: Acerac.6428


As somebody who had no idea about the exploit til I started getting spammed with the message as I was leveling normally, I have to agree. It looks abysmal and I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish.

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Posted by: TimeBomb.3427


I got this while doing the (WARNING: Slight story spoiler ahead!) level 55 charr quest where I had to go from the sylvari area into “my future”. I was killing several mobs in “future Orr” and had this pop up several times. How annoying…

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Posted by: Dieallknow.1387


you guys don’t read do you its the grubs. peeps where exploting the grub farm and anet nerfed it I agree the statment is really freaking anoying

[IIII] Playing from Prison
“Lets take the green keep I need the Vista”
“Quit Laughing I need the Vista”

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Posted by: Kailthir.6384


The thing is people are getting it and not even “farming” the grubs. I had a personal quest last night, in some cave. It was filled with 50-60% grubs. I have to go thru them to finish the personal story. That is not farming… but yet I don’t get loot or xp? Who thought this was a good idea?

When it happened I thought something was wrong with the server or my account.

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Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I got it in my personal story- at first I laughed but after the 10th time I just thought “hey thanks exploiters for ruining my immersion and stealing my loot”

Seriously it is not the greatest solution sure, but it wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for people farming the kitten out of mobs and basically finding a loop hole around playing the game.

Gunnar’s Hold

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Posted by: Fozzik.1742


My guess is that it’s a short-term placeholder. They wanted to remove the exploit quickly to reduce its effect on the economy, so they just turned off loot altogether from the grubs. They needed a little more time to hook up a permanent fix. I’ll bet in the next patch or two, that message won’t be there any more.

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Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

It’’s annoying. I got it last night on my first adventure in the Straits of devastation, at a DE against some risen giant. Eventually, I didn’t target the grubs anymore, only focused on the giant to keep me from getting that horrible popup.

I was half-tempted to submit a bug report, if I hadn’’t known they did this intentionally.

Worst. Solution. Ever.

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Posted by: phooka.4295


They also disabled the betting games in the charr area, probably for the same reason. Just saying.

Those are still switched off? Geez, for how long now?

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Posted by: Zefram.8945


I can’t believe that this is true what i am reading here.
Was just about to go to Tyria, but now…. °shaking head in despair°
…. my ears, Zhaitan must have corrupted this bookah’s minds more then i feared at first.

What shall we do, my friends ?

Truth is the average of all points of view.

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Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I can’t believe that this is true what i am reading here.
Was just about to go to Tyria, but now…. °shaking head in despair°
…. my ears, Zhaitan must have corrupted this bookah’s minds more then i feared at first.

What shall we do, my friends ?

Run around in circles while screaming “wer’re all doomed!”?

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Posted by: Fozzik.1742




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Posted by: Gary Prax.9745

Gary Prax.9745

I got this message when clearing grubs in my path as I walked to the next camp. Apparently grubs don’t offer any loot at all. Ever. Anymore.
Why would they break grubs? When all they had to do was put in different spawning grubs for events, grubs that drop no loot, or at least no venoms.

/‘’’\/’ ;,,,; ‘\/’’’\

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Posted by: Drintar.1246


As has been stated they turned off loot for grubs. They probably added the message so people would know that getting no loot at all was intended and not the DR effecting them. It will go away as soon as they can patch in a perma fix for the grubs that were being exploited.

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Posted by: Nefaria.7659


I understand why they turned off loot from grubs, but the message was literally spamming me and my partner last night.

We were working on our personal stories, doing the “Forging the Pact” quest lead to having to clear a fair quantity of grubs. Each one giving us a “disabled” message.

Even with a large quantity of mobs in that instance, I don’t believe either of us would have noticed or been greatly impacted by the grubs simply dropping nothing without the message.

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Posted by: Hologramx.6402


It spammed like hell when I was doing the story quest “Forging the Pact”. Looks like it will pop up most of the time after I killed a trash. Got more than 20 of them flooding my chat box …