cosmetic armor tab in hero panel!

cosmetic armor tab in hero panel!

in Suggestions

Posted by: digiowl.9620


The current transmute system is a mess.

Simply because one of the items you want to transmute together you all of a sudden need crystals rather than stones.

How about instead there is a third tab in the hero panel, one that has a set of slots for armor pieces, back piece and weapons.

If i then put a item inside one of those slots, i can use a check box to say if the skin of said item should show on top of the items my character is wearing and holding.

To put something into those slots, current stones and crystals can be used.

cosmetic armor tab in hero panel!

in Suggestions

Posted by: AielloA.1629


While this worked in, say, LOTRO and AoC, it was decided upon and implemented from the very beginning. To change from GW2’s current Transmutation Stone/Crystal system to a “Cosmetic Slot” system would require a major overhaul of the equipment interface.

I like the idea, but it’s not gonna work in GW2. I’m just glad I still have 10 Transmutation Stones saved up from map completion rewards and those wonderful, wonderful free Black Lion Keys you get from storyline (if you have that big a problem? Have a guildy run you through the storyline to lvl 10 when you get the first free Key, put that key in the Bank, delete the character and restart)

“We fight because we can. We win because we must.”

cosmetic armor tab in hero panel!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Curae.1837


My problem with the current transmute system is that I lose either stats or looks.
Seeing as I really like multiple armor sets(for looks) I am forced to pick 1, or buy a load of gear to drag along with me to switch for the look I want.

Somewhere else on the forum was a suggestion to turn the skins into permanent unlocks. Keep them as a collectible (accountwide or personal for character) so you can change skins whenever you choose without paying for it anymore.
You could still use the transmute stones for it, Anet would still make money, players could happily collect all the armor skins and it doesn’t take up inventory/bank slots.

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”