day/night cycle based on your timezone
One reason is, people who are in the same in map are not from the same real world time zone. For example, a couple of guildies are from the opposite side of the world from me, about 11 hours. So when it’s noon for me it’s 11pm for them. If we are both in a map together, is the map supposed to be day or night?
One reason is, people who are in the same in map are not from the same real world time zone. For example, a couple of guildies are from the opposite side of the world from me, about 11 hours. So when it’s noon for me it’s 11pm for them. If we are both in a map together, is the map supposed to be day or night?
I’m no game designer so I don’t know how this would work but isn’t it possible to let the game show day time for you and night time for those guildies?
Otherwise it should pick the “central” time. For example, I play on EU so take the CET time and for US the pacific time? Idunno what timezone they have, but you get the point.
This way anyone can experience both the night and the day cycles.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Having shorter cycles allows people with limited or restricted schedules to experience more aspects of the game. Especially the ones that are dependant on the cycles.
How can someone be dependant on a short cycle? I can understand the fact that casuals who don’t have much time want to experience both cycles. However the cycles are only for visual effects at the moment, if I’m not mistaken.
So what your saying is that casuals who don’t have time to play at night can sometimes see their ghastly weapons shine but other than that, there is no actual reason for those short cycles?
(edited by Luquatic.3825)
How can someone be dependant on a short cycle? I can understand the fact that casuals who don’t have much time want to experience both cycles. However the cycles are only for visual effects at the moment, if I’m not mistaken.
There are some NPCs that spawn only at night, for example the spirit of Captain Greywind. But the main point is to experience the feeling the cycles give.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
There are some NPCs that spawn only at night, for example the spirit of Captain Greywind. But the main point is to experience the feeling the cycles give.
A-net confirmed in interview that the cycles dictate some of the world events when that were asked about the cycles.
The part about shorter than real life days: many people can only log on at night after they finish work, eat dinner, talk to their families, do housework, etc… Other people can’t play at night, only during the day. So if the day was 24 hours then they would be playing only game night time or day time day after day. Most people want to see the game in both night and day, not just one. In addition, some events (not many I grant you) occur only in the day or night so they would miss these.