dont boot from instance/WVW for a 30 sec disconnect/game crash.

dont boot from instance/WVW for a 30 sec disconnect/game crash.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ravenheart.2743


This is so obvious I’m really surprised it hasn’t been addressed.
I don’t know how many nights after waiting an hour in queue, I finally get into WVW and game crash or random disconnect would happen and when i Re-log i’m in…. (wait for it…) LionsArch. My hour Queue time wasted.

We just did the Halloween event and just as we got to the chest after completing the event we all got booted and re logged super-fast only to get screwed out of our loot and find ourselfs in Lions Arch. very fustrating gameplay, esp when you have queued to enjoy the event or instance or whatever.

Please allow for Disconnects and crashes by letting people back into the instance/event if they log back in quickly.