dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Dungeon rewards from chests should be based on how well dungeons are cleared.

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


No one like this idea?

If you are someone who rushes through a dungeon just to get to the chest. Then you are exploiting the dungeon reward system.

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

i think alot of people (myself included) would object to this because of bad pugs; ive been in groups where people have been repeatedly killed on a single boss (how many downs is it till instant death? 4?), if my rewards are cut because someone cant utilise the dodge key i wouldnt be happy

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


Actually I would change the reward to be based on how many mobs and bosses you killed. This would give players less incentive to skip everything, and a sense of reward for the time they spent killing.

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


A loot table based on skill?

I like this idea. Would give incentinve to improve as opposed to waypoint zerg. Criteria such as Becoming defeated (not downed),
Skipping mobs would count against you, while reviving, interrupting big attacks, buffing party ect would add to your score.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yamedo.2561


^Sounds like a good legit idea, I also noticed in CoF that backpacks drop now from chests, which made me happy I got a prec cond tough back accessory, and my necromancer is using that build. ^^

In addition to the OP, chests in general, especially dragon chests, should feel more rewarding. I’m getting 3-4 blues, rarely greens and rares.. why should I do dungeons if all I get is 1-2s worth of items from a chest 90% of the time? >:

dungeons, base reward on how well its cleared

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


How about no?

This would just lead to elitists moaning and groaning about how certain players are not pulling their own weight or are being too newbie and costing them the “optimal” end-reward.
Loads of players won’t see doing better as a bonus. They instead interpret doing worse as a penalty – Lots of gamers tend to be a glass-half-empty people.

Groups already pay enough through time spent waiting.
Don’t make us pay more by forcing us to listen to those kinds of players. And no, I don’t care if I can kick them when they act up. I’d rather I didn’t realize they were there. Ignorance is bliss

If you haven’t noticed any yet, that’s is the beautiful blissful ignorance I’m talking about.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)