id like to be able to lower my graphic settings automatically in wvw too; so +1
Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
You should play around with the WvW graphics (quality and limit) you find at the end on the page.
I’ve set the quality to low (or what ever the second worst is called) and I’ve notice the models of other players don’t get shading or things like that, also when theres a lot they turn to lowest (the preset one color toons).
It also does did to pre load them when you get close to them, so you see right away they are there, and then it changes up a bit.
Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]
You guys want a automatic toggle, whenever the game get’s “heavier” to turn itself down?
That does not work. Simply because everyone has different hardware.
Some run 5ghz CPUs with TriSLI titans.
Others play on a dual core Pentium 4 with a 8800gts.
You’re gonna have to stick with the manual settings change which isn’t a big deal as it’s literally like 5 clicks.
an optional setting ‘template’ that the game automatically switches to when in wvw; i honestly do not see how that would be a problem
Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
There’s 2 settings which will help in WvW, turn off reflections and shadows. That will help out a ton.
Beowulf-Defender of the JQ Realm and Warrior of the SF clan.