elementists need to be improved

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Godly.9347


hi i just got this game a few weeks ago and have noticed that staff elementist r the only class unable to play solo. they have no usefull healing skills unless you switch to water and even then you ll never survive a switch and place down the 2 heals and then your stuck cause you cant switch back not like it matters cause you ll be long dead by the time you switch. Every other class has ways to heal or defend themselves and still fight, damage isn’t good enough for all of those major far more important draw backs like really really long cool downs even on auto attack. ive tried every other characters and there has been no competition

-nerco literally has an army of minions like 6 and themselves serious debilitating effects and heals whenever they OR there minions hit thus pretty much invincible played necro twice and ran over everyone effortlessly.

-Mesmers get infinite clones and can switch places with them or disappear all together and same as necro serious debilitating effects.

-guardian get wicked defense/hp and many many allies/self buffs and healing skills.

-warriors do way more damage then ele just by auto attacking and they get healing and good defense and a lot of damaging skills to boot.

-rangers get pets and and controlling Technics and once again several forms of healing skills

-engineers get mass healing and support ability and far more useful skills

-thieves can turn invisible and and teleport, really fast and damaging attacks and surprise surprise useful healing skills

-elementist high damage potential that is all and warriors can hit harder,no useful healing skills able to be used in combat, defense through the floor boards uber slow attacks and high cool downs and activation’s only one summon and only for 60 seconds and they really r not strong at all one hit most but the stone may be 4-kittens then down and to top it off most of your attacks don’t hit even if there r in the aoe no stuning or daze or knock back nothing to keep enemys away unlike every other class

i dont know why it was done this way at all seeing as how a staff has been a mages main weapon sense creation, Mages in general has always had a staff always so i cant understand why it was deliberately made to be absolutely useless but anyways as you see every other class towers above ele’s in support and damage dealing. regardless of weapon

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Try using two daggers when playing solo and staff when doing group events.
I also like scepter/dagger and dagger/focus, maybe even scepter/focus if you need more defensive skills. Scepter/dagger is my favourite weapon setup for Elementalist but dagger/dagger is the most popular I think.
Take your time to try different styles and to find yours. I really love my Elementalist and I think that she is fine as she is.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


that’s good advice from Gabby. i’m leveling an elementalist and it seems like the answers are just about learning the class to know when to use all the options the ele has.

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Godly.9347


Yea probably will change my set up or just go necro seem a lot easier it was honestly it was effortless in pvp and pve to run a map. I was just stating how every other class completely out ranks ele in pvp and pve hey with enough work on them sure guess you could do ok but not even close to others and with a hell of alot more work lol

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Godly.9347


sry to double post but forgot to mention we need a way better form of healing, some thing use-able in combat i ll keep trying may be they just take alot of time to learn to use lol just know ive been owned sense the beginning of the game by everything just to watch another class breeze thou like its a joke lol but thx for the input i ll definitly try your suggestions if anyone else has something to add or some advise i would greatly appreciated it but so far it seems like its the class being way to weak and useless

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


are you saying eles are underpowered?

i think you need to learn more about the class.


elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


I have played a staff ele since beta. It doesn’t have the same mobility or survivability as a D/D bunker ele, but I have enjoyed it nonetheless. My ele can hit just as hard as a zerker warrior (I have compared gear and stats to several zerker warriors in my guild) and the only thing that they might have up on me is hitpoints, everything else is on the same line. But as far as healing goings, in every MMO that I have played, if you wanted to be able heal better, you have always had to sacrifice something somewhere else.

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


What class does have useful healing skills that a) aren’t tied to skill 6 or b) aren’t traited?

In tems of control effects, staff Eles have Frozen Ground, Lightning Surge, Gust, Static Field and Unsteady Ground on their weapon. Escape skills include Burning Retreat and Windboune Speed. Eruption and Geyser both together can combo for area healing.

Then you got Healing skills, one that heals whenever you use an attack, one that gives you a boon when used and then one that clears conditions.

Then the utilities. Water, Air and Earth signets can be used as damage mitigation (blind to miss, water and earth to get away). Lightning Flash is a teleport, Arcane Shield blocks 3 attacks, Mist Form makes you invulnerable for a time, Armour of Earth gives you Protection and Stability.

That’s not going into the Traits as well.

Staff Ele solo has a higher skill requirement to play solo effectively, but it is possible.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


What class does have useful healing skills that a) aren’t tied to skill 6 or b) aren’t traited?

In tems of control effects, staff Eles have Frozen Ground, Lightning Surge, Gust, Static Field and Unsteady Ground on their weapon. Escape skills include Burning Retreat and Windboune Speed. Eruption and Geyser both together can combo for area healing.

Then you got Healing skills, one that heals whenever you use an attack, one that gives you a boon when used and then one that clears conditions.

Then the utilities. Water, Air and Earth signets can be used as damage mitigation (blind to miss, water and earth to get away). Lightning Flash is a teleport, Arcane Shield blocks 3 attacks, Mist Form makes you invulnerable for a time, Armour of Earth gives you Protection and Stability.

That’s not going into the Traits as well.

Staff Ele solo has a higher skill requirement to play solo effectively, but it is possible.

gaurdians can group heal for 4k without traits and can heal for 500-1000 every few seconds.


elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I am mainly PvE, and my Elementalist runs exclusively with a staff. (I’ve tried the other weapons / combos). I can run around Orr solo with very little problem. (Orr: you’ll get to that.) One of my main characters. There’s nothing wrong with my power output or ability to stay healed. I hold my own just fine, thank you! (Even my few forays into WvW, which I don’t care for.)

You have only been playing a few weeks, and yet you have an opinion on all of the classes. There’s no way you can have given them all a fair shake. Play some more, try different builds and strategies, learn to dodge, then come back here when you have had some real experience. You will see how wrong many of your statements are. (Literally an army… SIX! Infinite clones… THREE! You’re goofy!)

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


What class does have useful healing skills that a) aren’t tied to skill 6 or b) aren’t traited?

In tems of control effects, staff Eles have Frozen Ground, Lightning Surge, Gust, Static Field and Unsteady Ground on their weapon. Escape skills include Burning Retreat and Windboune Speed. Eruption and Geyser both together can combo for area healing.

Then you got Healing skills, one that heals whenever you use an attack, one that gives you a boon when used and then one that clears conditions.

Then the utilities. Water, Air and Earth signets can be used as damage mitigation (blind to miss, water and earth to get away). Lightning Flash is a teleport, Arcane Shield blocks 3 attacks, Mist Form makes you invulnerable for a time, Armour of Earth gives you Protection and Stability.

That’s not going into the Traits as well.

Staff Ele solo has a higher skill requirement to play solo effectively, but it is possible.

gaurdians can group heal for 4k without traits and can heal for 500-1000 every few seconds.

I’m guessing the healing ticks are the Virtue, but what’s the 4k heal? And is that without Healing Power gear and the stats from traits?

Just curious, Guardian isn’t really my class.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

elementists need to be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


gaurdians can group heal for 4k without traits and can heal for 500-1000 every few seconds.

I’m guessing the healing ticks are the Virtue, but what’s the 4k heal? And is that without Healing Power gear and the stats from traits?

Just curious, Guardian isn’t really my class.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.