elementlists need to have greatswords!
i will be honest here, i feel that eles are super weak up close. the ele needs to have a greatsword that floats near him and attacks melee based on the attunment!
seriously, its a most have!
Have you played a Scepter/ Dagger or a Dagger dagger ele? Personally a Dagger dagger ele if built right can hit for 10k. I hate to say this but either you don’t play an ele or you need to do some research on how to play an ele properly. I am sorry I hate using the L2P speech but Ele’s are almost more effective in damaging dealing up close than they are with the staff.
i will be honest here, i feel that eles are super weak up close. the ele needs to have a greatsword that floats near him and attacks melee based on the attunment!
seriously, its a most have!
Pssst thats called mesmer.
1. eles arent super weak up close
2. mesmers arent super weak up close (if thats what the third poster was implying)
3. guardian has a spirit weapon greatsword
4. it doesnt really fit with ele imo (conjures are wielded; they dont attack of their own accord)
- though i wouldnt mind seeing more visually impressive passive effects for ele
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
I’d like Ele to be able to just use a sword, not necessarily a greatsword though, main reason for this is there are a few cool looking swords in the game already, but not many cool looking staves. Daggers typically don’t look as good as swords.
1. eles arent super weak up close
2. mesmers arent super weak up close (if thats what the third poster was implying)
3. guardian has a spirit weapon greatsword
4. it doesnt really fit with ele imo (conjures are wielded; they dont attack of their own accord)- though i wouldnt mind seeing more visually impressive passive effects for ele
I was more talking about the profession that gets a to have a floaty greatsword.
i will be honest here, i feel that eles are super weak up close. the ele needs to have a greatsword that floats near him and attacks melee based on the attunment!
seriously, its a most have!
My Ele doesn’t need any buffs whatsoever. If you follow the rules of staff stay in support healing and or dps and dagger dagger for Ima melt something’s face off and tank dps ftw you will feel like the op Ele you are.
You can have a greatsword when they buff rangers and engineers and fix the worthless instadeath ranger pet and nerf warrior pve damage.
1. eles arent super weak up close
2. mesmers arent super weak up close (if thats what the third poster was implying)
3. guardian has a spirit weapon greatsword
4. it doesnt really fit with ele imo (conjures are wielded; they dont attack of their own accord)- though i wouldnt mind seeing more visually impressive passive effects for ele
I was more talking about the profession that gets a to have a floaty greatsword.
Wouldn’t call it a floaty GS on mesmer, more like it is helm with some kind of energy between the mesmers hands. And it DEFINABLY don’t attack with melee as the OP was talking about
Ele is a clothy class; it’s not meant for melee. Maybe a shield, though…
Wouldn’t call it a floaty GS on mesmer, more like it is helm with some kind of energy between the mesmers hands. And it DEFINABLY don’t attack with melee as the OP was talking about
Granted mesmers use it as a ranged weapon but it definitely floats (with laser beams!)
I don’t really see any reason for elementalists to have a greatsword melee set up, they just don’t need it… so yeah… no, no matter how much you want that twilight on your ele :P
I think elementalists are perfectly fine in terms of damage output. If anything, in my own personal opinion, I think elementalists need some seriously buffed up defence. I put as much toughness on my fire ele as humanly possible, and it didn’t seem to make a scrap of difference, and yeah the earth ele is better for defence, but I hate earth spells with a passion (I’m more a fire/water guy myself) so I ultimately have to just hope my fireballs and meteors crush the creatures before they hit me otherwise I get fairly owned. Sometimes I feel like my armour is about as useful as a potato sack.
Ele is a clothy class; it’s not meant for melee. Maybe a shield, though…
dagger ele feel pretty meleeish for me already :P
And mesmer got onehanded sword for melee and is clothy as well, even necro the 3rd clothy class have some melee with the dagger
So your argumentation dont really work :P
I think elementalists are perfectly fine in terms of damage output. If anything, in my own personal opinion, I think elementalists need some seriously buffed up defence. I put as much toughness on my fire ele as humanly possible, and it didn’t seem to make a scrap of difference, and yeah the earth ele is better for defence, but I hate earth spells with a passion (I’m more a fire/water guy myself) so I ultimately have to just hope my fireballs and meteors crush the creatures before they hit me otherwise I get fairly owned. Sometimes I feel like my armour is about as useful as a potato sack.
Armor and toughness is for when you make a mistake in this game, no class can jsut stand and facetank everything, NOT even a guardian can do that forever. The MAIN way of damage mitigation in this game is to avoid taking it in the first place, and ele have quite a few spells to do that, like arcane shield, earth armor etc etc, not to mention the normal dodge ofc that all classes have
(edited by GummiBear.2756)
Elementalist is one of the top three PvP/WvW Professions already.
They do not need more goddies.
Do you even lift, bro?
I think elementalists are perfectly fine in terms of damage output. If anything, in my own personal opinion, I think elementalists need some seriously buffed up defence. I put as much toughness on my fire ele as humanly possible, and it didn’t seem to make a scrap of difference, and yeah the earth ele is better for defence, but I hate earth spells with a passion (I’m more a fire/water guy myself) so I ultimately have to just hope my fireballs and meteors crush the creatures before they hit me otherwise I get fairly owned. Sometimes I feel like my armour is about as useful as a potato sack.
You want your fire ele ( which is pure damage or dps ) to have the survivability of my ele ( which is tanky/ support/ with a little damage ) Or it use to be, that isn’t how it works. You chosse to sacrifice survivability with pure damage output, there are builds that allow you to do a lot of damage and have a decent amount of healing/ tankyness but ultimately it is either or.