fall damage traits.

fall damage traits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Selver.1307


With me intermittently seeing things about fall damage traits, why not add into existing minor traits, the fall damage compnent? Can also add dual use to some utilities, but no stacking for silly reductions.

I.e. – thief, shadow arts line, could be 15, or 25. Could maybe have it be active when stealthed.

Elementalist could have like in air line, 15 or 25, lifting zephyr? Could also tie one to mist form, how does mist get hurt falling?

Warrior, endure pain, and so on.

Clear up major trait lines too for something if they did something akin.

fall damage traits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


Maybe you could actually put a falling trait in for elementalists, as it is now they are the only profession without one. Why hate on the ele’s? Doesn’t seem balanced to me.

fall damage traits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


also guardian hasn’t one

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fall damage traits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aloer.1790


Guardians don’t have falling damage reduction? What…?

Every class has it except elementalists. Which is surely, unfair.. :\

Aloer ~ Elementalist
~ Seafarer’s Rest ~

fall damage traits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Guardians don’t have falling damage reduction? What…?

Every class has it except elementalists. Which is surely, unfair.. :\

Elementalist JUST got it in the update.