ffs Implement an RNG ascended token system.

ffs Implement an RNG ascended token system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: painHV.3968


Seriously. How hard is it to just have ascended tokens drop from daily chests instead? And have some sort of vendor where you can exchange 2 tokens for 1 non infused ring of your choice or 5 tokens for an infused ring of your choice. Atleast something along those lines, because the current system just plain sucks. I’m rank 43 and have had 25 resist ever since I was like rank 25. The last time I’ve gotten an infused ring was 18 dailies ago. I know there are people with much worse luck and haven’t even seen 1 infused ring, but seriously it doesn’t make any sense why they’d even have the current system in place. Can’t equip duplicates, can’t upgrade/sell/craft. I certainly do hate RNG, but why not atleast have an RNG token system so its atleast not as frustrating?
