get rid of flash kill classes.

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

i know mesmers and theifs will be all over this thread but seriously. a fight thats over because i dint have awareness of another character while im fighting a mob isnt fun. every other class is counterable and you can turn fights around if your more skilled than your oppponent. mesmers throw up a couple of clones before youre even aware of them theifs vanish and backstab. its even worse for me while playing as a ranger. why werent they fixed a day after launch? its not like players even bother attacking pets. they go straight for the meat. anet should have known this. i keep finding myself saying things like that. i am starting to be very dissappointed with anet in trivial things that should have been addressed much sooner. if i find many more i probably wont be a customer of theirs anymore.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: EmoxiHaX.1726


l2p issue here, nothing to see

and I don’t play mesmer or thief I play guardian

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


a fight thats over because i dint have awareness of another character while im fighting a mob

Working as intended. Pay attention to your surroundings while you’re killing mobs in a pvp zone.

[SFD] – Maguuma

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


not just thieves or mesmers lets talk about warriors for a moment. How about instakills from aimed shot from a rifle. Yeah…you don’t even see them and they do it to you. Not fair in the slightest imo.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


The sane part of this thread:
“My class, the Ranger, has some serious balance issues in PvP. Please look in to adjusting my toolset so I have build options for 1v1 fights if I choose to build a character for that purpose.”

The nutty portion of this post:
“Remove classes that can kill me because I was not paying attention, and certain builds are designed for burst damage at the expense of survivability.”

Yes, rangers have PvP issues. Its a fact. IMO you should have the option to stow your pet and receive a hefty buff of some sort for not having a pet present. if I remember correctly this was originally planned for the ranger long ago anyway. Lets deal with the inadequacies of the ranger class first, and then look at how a dedicated 1v1 build played by a competant player fares against such builds.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

pope shut up you obviously dont know that they are planning on adjusting the ranger so thats probably the only reason youre agreeing with that part as opposed to saying “theres nothing wrong with the ranger you just suck” and flash kill professions arent fun in games with a health bar. give all classes this possibility if theyre going to do that. it totally defeats the purpose of a health bar if they can kill you in less than a

seriously name one game where you have a health bar that allows it to be depleted in about 1 second. i have a life bar , and so i assume that ill have time to react to a threat. or at least be given options to defend against them. in gw1 assasins could kill an average player in about 3 seconds if they were a caster…. but the casters also had access to every skill in the game via secondary profession and so numerous counters were and are provided. i keep finding faults with this game and cant see myself playing long enough to make it to an expansion.

and also with the inclusion of random gear which is becomming more and more apparent is a poor choice. i automatically am not on even playing ground against the guy with top gear and weaponry. and it does make a difference. esspecially and if you dont think it does try buying only karma vendor items of lvl 75 and then fight someone with all legendary gear who you know isnt as good as you.

they cant balance pvp because they need to allow a pvp gear option which mystifyingly is absent from the game. i honestly cannot understand why on earth they did this as it throws all balancing out the window. how are you going to know whats balanced if only 10% of the people playing have top teired gear and only fight another such player .1% of the time?

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

(edited by poe lyfe.5879)

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TexZero.7910


What im seeing here is you dislike instagib classes….

Might i suggest bringing some toughness and vit sets / traiting that way and then bringing 2 condition removals.

Pretty sure that fixes your being instagibbed.

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

what condition removal? im a ranger they dont have any. let alone 2. and if i use all vit and toughness it will barely make a difference. because my attack wont be comparable to either of theirs. and my health will be… when it should be well above if there were any justice.

pvp is intended to be jump right in if im not mistake, except if your gear isnt good enough, except if you havent leveld enough to get the traits you need, except if you dont have the right pet, except if you dont have enough money to repair or buy the right seige equipment. how is this pickup and play?

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

(edited by poe lyfe.5879)

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Let me explain this to you then….as its seemingly being lost.

You are upset that a class is instagibbing you. The only way this happens is if you let them unload a full combo on you. If you can sustain through that their cooldowns are wasted yours aren’t and you can fight back. It’s really that easy. Also rangers have plenty of condition removal, you’re just doing things wrong.

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


[SFD] – Maguuma

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TexZero.7910


ITT: Complaints about PvP lacking the understanding that sPvP is different from WvW.

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Michikyou.9617


Thieves are very squishy, they are all about burst and running away. My thief at max level has 10k lower HP than my Asura Necromancer..

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kallist.5917


and flash kill professions arent fun in games with a health bar. give all classes this possibility if theyre going to do that. it totally defeats the purpose of a health bar if they can kill you in less than a

So what your saying is you want all the classes to basicly be the same? Remove one of the two build options the Thief still has left so that people feel its more Fair? Wow.. Ok. But Why even have a Class system then? Why not just drop everyone in with the same 10 skills and the same looks, same armor, same Jewlery, and so on?

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chimpster.1428


what condition removal? im a ranger they dont have any.

The fact that you aren’t aware that they do makes me inclined to ignore your complaints about rangers.

get rid of flash kill classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Thieves are very squishy, they are all about burst and running away. My thief at max level has 10k lower HP than my Asura Necromancer..

Thieves honestly don’t need a true invisibility stealth (I honestly think they should just fade out and have an outline/ghost-like clear avatar while in stealth) but they are burst kings. Even with stealth as is any class can survive the burst and then deal with them if played right. As Mich here says, those who build for burst are glass cannons that if they don’t get the kill are pretty easily offed by ANY class.

This coming from someone who has taken to loving the engineer turret build, aka I have no condition removal and still make thieves cry.