group finder

group finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: immpistoff.5179


Ok , now Ive been playing this game since release and i have to say one thing , GOOD JOB ARENA NET , i mean i haven’t encountered one moment when i had to say : ok so now what ?
But after the initial boom has died down i find my self having one single frustration related to this game and it isn’t the enormous amount of mats you need to craft a legendary , not the difficulty with getting gold but with dungeons and groups or lack of to be more precised , i mean i see a lot and i mean a lot of people complaining about how hard it is to get mats for crafting ( and imm referring to the rare ones needed to craft exotics and things like that) , how hard is to make some coin and all this problems and complaints can all be fixed ( more or less depending on how picky some players are ) by implementing a GROUP FINDING SYSTEM where we can just select the dungeon , type of mode that we want ( story, or explorable ) hit find group and boom you just put a smile on a lot of players faces, i mean it’s such a great fix for leveling , getting mats and coin , now imm not saying it’s easy but please TRY because spamming in map chat : ‘’lfg COF exp’’ is getting boring and annoying real fast