handicap players need a gamepad options
I’ll just startoff by saying I completely agree with you they should all have gamepad support. I’m disabled with lung damage so I spend alot of time at home with nothing else to do as well. People don’t understand the frustration that builds from having that change in your life come about suddenly.
There are a couple of titles out there that give the controllers already on the market like the usb xbox controller the ability to be setup with keyboard commands.
I personally use the Logitech Gamepad F310 sometimes on other titles it works well and you can map the keys to the keyboard. For this one I use razer nostromo so I can keymap the keyboard functions.
There are two other titles out there that give mouse mapping as well I’ll go look those up and let you know.
only two suggested to me were Joy2Key and Pinnacle Game Profiler the second one is shareware tho.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I know you said don’t say it, but xpadder. I think all comapanies need to look into gamepad support of some kind, this is something a lot of gamers could benefit from and is certainly a great way to bring the console gaming market back to the desktop.
That being said, there are issues with doing it post-release that may not be easily resolved. Targeting comes to mind, as well as AoEs (although the new option for quick casting might just do a lot to help that one).
I don’t honestly have a great option for you, but if you’re deadset against xpadder and things like it, how hard would a Nostromo – or similar device – be for him to adapt to? I use my Nostromo for most of my gaming, and it greatly reduces the area I need to cover, combined with even the cheapest Razer mouse I can remap a lot of the functions away from my keyboard. Razer has a macro and mapping program called Synapse that does wonders, and Razer bought out the Nostromo name so it is also compatible with Synapse.
Just a few options, I hope you get this resolved. My father went through a long period of time where he couldn’t play games and it was aggrivating just watching him be bored – I couldn’t imagine being him, or your brother.
My idea compilation thread:
thanks guy for looking out hope they look at this and do something about it ………..!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not just handicapped players who want gamepad support. After spending hours sitting at a desk at work, I don’t really look forward to sitting at a desk when I get home. I’d just like to be able to play on my couch rather than my desk sometimes.
Xpadder and other programs are nice, but they’re not nearly as good as native controller support. Things like navigating the UI and placing AOE circles are difficult to do with third-party programs. I’d love to see a solution similar to how the Knights of Amalur handles controllers. They basically have two interfaces overlapping, but only one is active at a time. If you hit a button on your mouse or keyboard, that interface takes over. If you hit a button on your controller, that interface takes over. It’s really well done. I know there are issues of there not being enough buttons/less precision, etc, when it comes to GW2, but those are issues I can deal with. Not being able to navigate the interface isn’t.
Defiance has a similar system, all of their menus are radial, though. I’m not a fan of radial menu controlls for keyboard/mouse. That’s the only issue you run into; a unified interface system is easier to support, but not always equal across the board.
My idea compilation thread:
From my time playing around with Xpadder, there are 3 things I see needing to be implemented for gamepad support to be viable.
1. “Look Up” and “Look Down” – as of now, tilting the camera up and down requires mouse dragging, it would be nice if keys could be mapped to that.
2. A way to navigate menus/inventory.
3. Improved ground targeting, although the recent changes to quick cast help tremendously.
Other issues may include:
- Not being able to type (quickly without a keyboard).
- The engine doesn’t take advantage of analogue input (even when mapped to a controller, can still only walk in the 8 cardinal directions). This would be a pretty significant change.
Overall, I’d love to see controller support (dream: running GW2 on a Steam Machine), but I also recognize that there’s a lot of work to be done to make it happen.
my brother just came back from overseas lost 3 fingers in Iraq and wants to play this game so bad but he cant use a keyboard like the rest of us
why aren’t you guy making sure they your game has controller support for the the people who are handicap or who cant use a keyboard and mouse are there other people that would like to at least see the option to pick if you want keyboard and mouse or gamepad it 2013 come on a lot of mmo’s are giving this option but there not GW2………. AND I WANT MY BRO TO PLAY feel felling good about doing s things he use todo …and people don’t say xpadder it not the say as GW2 putting it in there game as a update to see how it works out…….
I’ve been thinking about this, and was curious what hand has been altered for your brother? I was trying to think of some ways to compensate using various alternate input setups.
My idea compilation thread: