yes, agreed. Heroes for dungeons – that would get me to play content that otherwise I wouldn’t bother with. Hate PUGs and elitism and the stress of having to demonstrate your skill when playing with other players in a limited group. After a few bad experiences I just ignore dungeons and fractals. I have one friend that I used to play with but two is not enough for dungeons and in any case, he has since left the game. He mentioned that he would probably never come back, so I suggested heroes for dungeons and he immediately changed his mind – shades of gw1, I know, but this would open up so much content that I basically avoid.
Agreed 100%. I really LOVE the Hero/Merc system of Gw1. I played with my 2 friend all the game. Sadly I never saw a post from any Dev that speak about the possibility of adding a Hero/Merc system, so unfortunately this never gonna happen I think.
Pd: Sorry if my English is not very good, I’m learning!
Absolutely agree, I would much rather kitten around with heroes than to have to drag a bunch of other people down there and leave them hanging every time I have go do something else since I generally am not able to stick around for extended periods of time (no garuntee for longer than 10-15 mins) as I play when I have time and can easily have to be torn away to do something. It would be a nice solution for someone like me who has these constraints, has been playing since September ’12 and have still yet been able to do any dungeons and really enjoyed the freedom heroes gave me to do things in GW1.
I agree. I played 7 years of GW1, and just over a year of GW2 before dropping it. My friend dropped me a line and suggested I add my voice to this thread as I feel strongly about the inclusion of heroes.
Major content like Fractals and Dungeons are just lost to me as Anet chooses not to include heroes. Even if it is just some of the dungeons/fractals. I don’t enjoy the stress of trying to get into a group, of getting rejected as I prefer to play ranger. Forcing me to play in a group means I miss such a large portion of content as I will not. Don’t tell me to join a large guild… I was in a large friendly guild. Though times, and availability just don’t work for many. Or people just play the same old dungeon path over and over. All the casual gamers out there Anet is just blowing off.
I have a few characters that have reached the point of the Final Story event… when I tried to play it and look for others… do you think I found someone? NO!
As Anet seems to be all about money these days, well, get this Anet, check my account and see how much money I have spent on the Gem store in the past year! So, if it is only money you listen to, then you have lost a person who would have continued pumping money into your coffers. Please listen to us.
(edited by Enola B Twenty Nine.2631)
Thumbs up from me! Would love to gear them up too and assign them weapon/slot skills/traits etc
After trawling through the gutter that goes by the name of LFG, I want to see the return of the heroes/henchmen system as well. At least that way, I don’t have to put up with people who demand full zerker gear and speedruns. I want to enjoy the dungeons I’m running.
as someone who likes teaching and helping others to play dungeons, i find this suggestion offensive, because then no one would seek out for me
advice: get more friends
as someone who likes teaching and helping others to play dungeons, i find this suggestion offensive, because then no one would seek out for me
advice: get more friends
I appreciate your frustration, however, it is not merely a question of having “friends” but rather the simple fact that you prefer to solo content. This can happen, partly because of one’s gameplay skills, but also (especially in my case) that I have many real life responsibilities and so play when I get a chance. Also I frequently have to stop playing at a moment’s notice. For this reason, I tend to solo most content. Sure I join zerg’s here and there, but then no-one cares if you come or go. Also, I am one of those people that prefers to work out how to play various aspects of the game on my own. I am certainly not looking for anyone to “show me how it is done.” This is a game after all, so what I do, I do for fun. If I wipe, I can just try again. So there is no intent to cause offense, it is just the way I prefer to play the game. I just think that heroes is a way to open up aspects of the game for those players that solo content.
The hero/merc option (Along with some of the best PvP I’ve ever had the privilege to engage in) in GW1 made the game what it was. While GW2 is no where near as reliant on it, due to not being instanced everything, I still think the option for heroes would be a good idea. And I’m part of a 120 man guild, most of whom I know personally.
If anything, it would help with the lack of synergy’s between PuG groups, as nobody likes to be told “Run this, it’ll help me.” Honestly the lack of requiring synergistic parties, but at the same time, benefiting -greatly- from people building on each others builds, is what makes the combat in GW2 sublime.
Having the option to have heroes, whom -you- get to decide how they’re built, would help people who have trouble finding competent groups (and let’s face it, PuG groups are a 50-50 chance at best) or players who have really odd work schedules and the like be able to play through content they might not normally get to play through. Oh, and here’s an idea. Use the heroes we already have. IE Destiny’s Edge, Rox, Braham, Canach, even. Not only would it keep the lore intact, without having to hamfist in random personalities, this will help players get to know the NPC’s better, which, and let’s be honest again, is -severely- lacking. At times it does feel as if the introductory of new characters is fanfiction-tiered. I’m sure you could ask -any- GW1 veteran which hero they liked the best, and 9 out of 10 will tell you Koss. Because he was an exceptionally well written character. Doing something like this with GW2 would take time, and some coding, yes, but it would open up so many doors for a multitude of ideas.