how to fix gw2

how to fix gw2

in Suggestions

Posted by: FalconX.9287


I thought about posting this as i like many aspects of the game and i really wish i could enjoy it and play it more..
where to begin..honestly when i first started playing it i didn’t like and quit after 1 week or so ..i came back and somehow forced myself to play it again because i really liked some of the concepts in this game which i don’t see in other games..but really i don’t know what to make of it . hard to say if i like or if i don’t like it

1. leveling in this game is tedious and feels likes a chore . i don’t understand why this hasn’t been fixed all this time . the solutions are simple either add more heart quests or simply triple the xp for the heart quests and events

2. classes – this is probably the biggest problem and i don’t have a fix for it as i’m not a game developer but i can give a few examples . skills are shallow . i’ve played both warrior and guardian and they are boring and feel underpowered(probably because they don’t have an escape tactic ? )
i liked however the ranger especially the shortbow combo because it required a bit of strategy . quick shot for example could’ve went further and instead of firing 1 shot , firing 5 shots and rooting the targets while also jumping back . this would’ve been cool
Now i don’t know if there is such gameplay with the warrior or guardian but if it is , is not intuitive .
Another major issue is lack of roles which is the core fun of an mmo .. if you guys didn’t like tank dps and healer you could have implemented some other roles (as i read posts from some people around here)

3. events – are great but are not polished enough . some events are ok some are very hard , mobs respawn too fast etc . im not the kind of guy who complains about difficulty in games but some seem disproportionate with the rest . one example the bandit group event in kessex hills – i know it was meant to be done in group but i wasn’t expecting to one shot me and things like that
the other issue with events is that there aren’t people to do events with …most of the time i don’t find anyone to do events with (at least in the low lvl areas ) . some games deal with this by reducing the difficulty to solo them….

Anyway i hope these suggestions are at least taken into consideration

how to fix gw2

in Suggestions

Posted by: FalconX.9287


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