i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

title says it all, i have more than one guild. and just like in real life if one girl knows about the other they get jealous if youre around but not hanging out with them. please if im representing another guild dont show anyone not on a friends that im online. they dont need to know. i like multiple guilds one per character. but i cant do that if they keep crying about me not representing them.

just a thought either take out multi guilds or take out online for non friends/current guild youre in.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pinchy.4128



i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


wait so your saying if your rolling with one guild and someone from the other passes by the other guildie in your party says poe likes us better and a cat fight breaks out ? I say leave it like it is just for the Jerry Springer show mentality.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Personally, I agree that being able to represent multiple guilds kinda takes away the feeling of being APART of a guild. Because suddenly that doesn’t matter so much anymore….

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Guilds are meant to be fun. If a guild is having a hissy because you’re representing another guild, do you really want to be a part of that guild? People need to step away from the mindset that a person needs to be a part of a single guild, as per other MMOs, and learn that people want to play with others that their “besties” may not mesh with.

In all seriousness, if a guild can’t handle people being in multiple guilds, that’s on them, but don’t let it affect you.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


I would agree with you, but im also getting annoyed at people joining my guild, to then sit their not representing and just leeching off upgrades when we use them. They earn us nothing, and take no part in BEING in a guild.

Sure i like the idea of being in multiple guilds, but you still need to BE in the GUILD. If i have leechers i usually send them a polite whisper asking if they wish to stay with our guild because they have been inactive for a period of time, or whether they are just changing around. Mainly cos im stuck being bugged at 50 member slots, and so need to free up space from leechers to allow new members who want to contribute in.

If you hop between guilds frequently its fine, if you leech off guilds thats something entirely different to “not feeling locked in”

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tehownya.3580


My First guild was The “Evil League of Evil” But then I Joined “Reclusive” because it was more lively, and so I represented it, then the Leader of [ELE] kept whispering me “Don’t Forget to Represent the Guild” until i said “ok” and left the ELE. It is Very annoying that Guilds know when you aren’t actually in them. Now I’m In the Greater Brony Alliance [MLP] and luckily Reclusive has not been Annoying. The Point is that being in Multiple guilds and only able to represent 1 will cause inevitable problems. The answer is Simply Pudding, that is all >.>

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


I will usually kick them from the guild after awhile as we need people representing in order to gain influence so we can have those nice little bonuses that peopel ABSOLUTELY RAVE about. Sadly this isn’t a system where you can have your cake and eat it to. There is still guild exclusivety and unfortunately not many poeple get that. Just because you can be in multiple guilds..doesn’t mean you will be allowed by your guild cause in the end if you aren’t willing to help your guild mates get that influence to have those nice little bonuses then you are inevitably mooching off other peoples hard work, which any self respecting guild will not allow for long.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Munrock.3092


Why, just why would the game facilitate deception? That’s what it is. Does ‘they don’t need to know’ apply to your ‘hanging out with’ girls analogy, too? I can’t believe that other human beings lack the empathy or shame to actually post that on a public forum.

How much time a player spends in a guild should be between the guild and the player. If you want guilds that are okay with you splitting your time, there are ones out there that are okay with that. There are also guilds that want 100% commitment and there are players that want that. And if players find themselves in the wrong kind of guild or guilds find themselves with the wrong kind of player, they should be able to part ways without much fuss because it’s mutually beneficial.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikoshin.2430


I have to say I have a main that I play in one guild with and an alt I play in a guild that me and a buddy made with a few other friends. I can understand both points on this and as a guild leader/ officer its nice to know who is representing the guild and who isn’t.

although if your in multiple guilds it can be frustrating to be removed from a guild for not representing even if you had played and helped the other guild. this has happened a few times to me I would help my friend out on my alt and then be kicked from the guild I usually ran with because of not representing. I think something should be done about this. there needs to be a setting or some way to show that this character is representing your guild but not on the current character or possibly having a setting showing you are on one of your alts and to set a main for a guild and that is show to the guild that this guy’s Main is in our guild but he’s playing on an alt in another guild. Something along those lines.

perhaps another way would be having guilds not be account shared, i do understand this kind of defeats the ability to be in multiple guilds but would alleviate some of the “not representing” issues guilds face.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Munrock.3092


The way to ‘deal with this’ is to make sure your guild knows. And if they’re not kittens about it, leave. Unless you like the idea of running dungeons and events with insecure control freaks.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Jaguar.9504

Lord Jaguar.9504

title says it all, i have more than one guild. and just like in real life if one girl knows about the other they get jealous if youre around but not hanging out with them. please if im representing another guild dont show anyone not on a friends that im online. they dont need to know. i like multiple guilds one per character. but i cant do that if they keep crying about me not representing them.

just a thought either take out multi guilds or take out online for non friends/current guild youre in.

Seems like a personal issue bro.

Smack ’dat tramp and put her back into her place.

AKA if people in your guild are crying about your other guild(s), tell them to bugger off and mind their own business. Solved w/o Anet needing to be involved.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


Another variable that this just goes to show, is all the people who are just mindlessly inviting strangers to get their numbers up.

Have to ask yourself, how much thought/effort/choice went into recruiting legit players or likewise into joining multiple guilds?

Shows me that:
1. The guild griping about leaching players probably just handed out invites like it was a coupon to taco bell.
2. the members who are “annoyed” they are getting hassled for lack of attendance… well… start being in attendance, fault is on you.

Perfectly reasonable for a guild to be privy to knowing whether or not you are around and active. If you are constantly representing another guild, it’s also perfectly reasonable for them to have dialogue with you about it. Communicating your interest and eagerness to participate in a guild should have been discussed prior to you joining, which again leads me to believe the only people seeing this as an issue, belong to the guild spammers i see every day.

I’ve played MMOs for too many years now, a solid guild is about solid players, and as is any form of human social interaction (which is what a guild is) its about communication.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


I think perhaps the biggest problem isn’t the being part of more than 1 guild at once but more of a case of your not contributing to either cause. Guilds what players that will help the guild as a whole advance for the betterment of everyone in it. Being part of two guilds (or more) your splitting up your time as well only giving a fraction of what you could be to the greater cause.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


You can turn yourself invisible. Then you will appear to be offline. However, no one can whisper to you if you are in that state. People can only talk to you in /say /guild and /party

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


I see no problem with this. The idea of this is to join guilds with different goals. For example, get in a PVE guild, and a WvW guild. When you are going WvW, represent that guild (the PVE guild members won’t have a problem).

I can see running into this problem if you join 2 PVE guilds, or 2 WvW guilds, but I do not see why you would do that…

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


I am currently in 2 smallish guilds. One is my old guild from GW1 that I got back in touch with and the other is my brothers guild.
I mainly represent my brother’s guild because he bought the game for me as a gift.

So I already have 2 small guilds of old friends and family but I want to also join a zerg guild, primarily for WvW. But it seems impossible to find any other guilds that don’t have a representing requirement.

The game allows multiple guilds so I was hoping more guilds would embrace sharing members a little more. At very least the zerg guilds since they have members coming out their wazoo’s.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vylins.3079


Personally coming from playing Guild Wars for so long i do not like the multi-guild system i’d much rather have the alliance system like they had in Guild Wars it made you have that feel of tight family guild that everyone knew each other and liked to be around (in game wise) but you could also experience that huge factor of 400 people in a single alliance that’s what i would really like to see brought back to Guild Wars 2 but the chances of that are low

Always remember to do what you love, without it you have nothing.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirth.1543


I can understand both sides of this but here is the thing. People don’t want people that leech off the guild. How would you feel if someone was leeching off you in real life you cut that person off of what ever it was. Same goes for in game.

Now there are multiple things that can be done either have it be like GW1 one guild only or have it like any other game, with that the account sharing might not work that well with this though. Though for all this to happen most likely the max cap for guilds would need to be lowered down to most likely 100members.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


People who are in other guilds and don’t represent us 90% of the time remain as recruits and have no guild bank access. We want to reward guild loyalty
You may ask, “where are these people the other 10% of the time?”
Some have guilds just for storage, some have co-worker guilds they like to pop into to say hi or ask to run something.

As someone who helps run a guild, I would like to know what other guilds members are in. I think the multi-guild system is kinda lame. It would be better for people to be able to make alts and put them in the guild of their choice. Alliances are one thing, guilds are another.
Some of this could be avoided by the ability to make custom chat channels for groups of people. Now people feel the need to represent multiple guilds, which i think spreads members too thin and makes many unavailable to really get to know the people they are in guild with, if they popping in and out of guilds all the time.

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Honestly, the main issue seems to be representing and the fact that if you’re in a large guild, they require you to be earning influence often — and most of it should be going to them. It’d be nice if we did away with representation, made it so you could speak over every guild simultaneously, and could personally assign a percentage of all influence earned over to each guild.

Say, for instance, that you are in both a large WvW guild and a friend’s much smaller guild. You want to help grow your friend’s guild, but the WvW guild requires x amount of your influence/time. Essentially, you’ll be short-changing another friend to “stay friends” with this WvW guild. If a percentage of earned influence could be assigned to a guild, you could split your gains 50/50, everyone is happy.

I really, really like the multi-guild system, and I’m very disappointed between ANet’s setup that forces you to represent and guild leaders essentially wanting “loyalty” out of players looking to have fun. I understand that you want a growing guild of people actively contributing to your organization, but no one should be kitten for just trying to have fun at the same time, either.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Riku.4821


I will usually kick them from the guild after awhile as we need people representing in order to gain influence so we can have those nice little bonuses that peopel ABSOLUTELY RAVE about. Sadly this isn’t a system where you can have your cake and eat it to. There is still guild exclusivety and unfortunately not many poeple get that. Just because you can be in multiple guilds..doesn’t mean you will be allowed by your guild cause in the end if you aren’t willing to help your guild mates get that influence to have those nice little bonuses then you are inevitably mooching off other peoples hard work, which any self respecting guild will not allow for long.

I’d have to agree with Zach on this one, I personally hated the fact of multiple guilds. It’s like having 4 real families, if you pick on over the other the 3 other families feel like crap.

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: Striata.6739


I can’t stand multiple guilds. I joined a guild for the first time a while back saw that the higher ranks weren’t even representing the guild they were officers of so I hit the “Leave Guild” button and never looked back.

Why should I as a new member of a guild represent when the officers and other members are not representing, why should I be loyal to the guild when the majority other members are not?

When I think of a Guild I think of loyalty, and friendship, and like minded people (for the most part) not whoring myself out to every guild out there leeching upgrades and what have you.

To fix this I decided I personally would only join one guild and if there are more people not representing then there were member representing I just hit the “Leave Guild” button and move on to hopefully a more loyal and like minded guild. Eventually I will find the right guild for me.

i have more than one guild let me keep that secret

in Suggestions

Posted by: skaaz.4281


People have been guild whoring for years. Now guilds just have proof of it.

Represent who you wish when you wish. Play your game, not someone else’s.

Member of Cradle Guard