icons for havock and guild members

icons for havock and guild members

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duck.5967


This post is an attempt to address the issue of not having a commander online, or prevent a zerg surrounding a player with an icon who is using the icon for reasons other than to start a zerg. It would also allow for rookie commanders to practice commanding, as rookie commanders are not often met with an understanding group of players. In the process I have also saw the benefit for PVE.

I think it would be a nice addition to have a lower level icon that can like a commander icon for havoc squads. This icon could be used in both WvW and PvE. The icon would be a single symbol and color (purple) however, should the commander choose to designate various squads in his group, he could change their color so that he may organize them.

Scenario: Four guilds decide to join up for a zerg. They agree to follow one commander. The commander organizes them into squads (with some guilds interchanging members) and each squad “joins command” (new skill for commanders) The commander then assigns a color to each squad leader and squad members are able to see their squad leaders colors change (the rest would remain purple). The commander can then command orders through colors, red squad to the bridge, blue squad on siege, orange squad repair, and black squad flank (this will eliminate the confusion of what we see now, with multiple commanders in one area and having to keep track which is your on the mini map).

Scenario: A player enters world vs world, does see one commander , however does not want to join the zerg. Notes a squad leader icon at a nearby camp and decides to join it, as havoc gameplay is preferred over zerg gameplay.

icons for havock and guild members

in Suggestions

Posted by: reapex.8546


I really like the first scenario, the second scenario would help if people can see what small groups are doing. The second would work if there was a Havok commander icon, that would hopefully cost half as much as the commander icon cost. Or give commanders the option turn their icon into Havok Commander icons.

icons for havock and guild members

in Suggestions

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

I like these ideas. There have been plenty of threads with suggestions for improvements to commander tags and I don’t know why they haven’t done something about it yet. A band aid for you op would be to use ts to divide your group up into teams.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]