in game agri-farm

in game agri-farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


can i suggest an ingame agricultural area so that we can plant our mats for cooking,

like farmville in FBgames

and for this one, i can think of events like protect your field from infestation, from bandits, and many more

in game agri-farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


Bandits and centaur are the least of your worries—it is the adventurers you have to look out for. Those kittens just pop in out of nowhere, steal your crops, and run off. They are like bandits but you can’t kill them.

In all seriousness, though, I would like to have something like this… ideas that have tumbled through my mind include purchasable home instances. For example, you could buy a copper mine in the foothills outside Hoelbrak. This enables the instance which happens to be a relatively easy dungeon, loaded with copper nodes (better return on time investment than scraping a newbie zone, but similar yield). You can mine it once per day. I think this would be a far more engaging addition than, say, adding a garden to the existing home instance where you could choose what to plant.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

in game agri-farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalendel.5406


The issue I see here is that it would kill the prices of the few farming mats that are actually worth selling. Otherwise, I like the idea of your own home or farm.

in game agri-farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


It doesn’t have to kill the price. I can run around 5 newbie areas, collecting all the copper every 4 hours (is that still the typical reset time). If I want to sell a lot of copper, this is 30 “units” of copper (unit being the average amount found in such a zone). If I am not trying to dominate the copper market, I will produce much less—it is actually a stretch for me to complete an entire zone, but when I want copper, it is doable.

I’m proposing a single mine, with an up-front money sink and recurring token cost (gotta buy fertilizer for your farm, pay miners to dig new tunnels, etc.). This mine would yield the same as one of those newbie zones—1/30th what I could produce if I really wanted to.

My proposed implementation of farms would provide (subject to fine-tuned balance, but in general) one third of that amount of material (only one type of node, not all 3) in half the time, and not nearly as many enemies, and no DEs, either. From a maximal gain vs. time perspective, it is a losing proposition.

However, as a fun side-event, building a more “complete” character, and from the perspective of “I have limited time and just want to get the materials for my crafting professions” it has merit. I don’t see it as causing issues with the economy as long as it doesn’t completely topple the existing gather rates.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

in game agri-farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalendel.5406


Ah, I hadn’t considered an ongoing cost. That adds a whole new dynamic to it. I also like that it would be a lower gain vs. time as it would keep the hackers and hardcore farmers from wanting to do it. I wholeheartedly support this idea.