+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


So about two days before the patch I made a precise infusion which cost me 50 skill points which I thought was kind of absurd but whatever. Then they DRASTICALLY change it from 50 to 5. So I filed a support claim asking how they were going to reimburse people figuring there is no way anet would just screw people out of 45 skill points like that especially during the holiday season. I was told that there was no plans to implement reimbursement which of course is totally bogus and I was told I should make a post here. Awesome.

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


I guess I was the only moron that actually spent 50 skill points on this.

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


Is this really the case?

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


Can I please get a response from a DEV on this:

A: Of course we are taking care of this stay tuned. We would never dream of screwing any of our players out of a drastically large number of skill points. (nearly 25% of what is needed for bloodstone shard)

B: The time and effort wasted buy someone, albeit in the vast minority, means nothing to us. Stop holding your breath and wasting other peoples time and bandwidth; like yours was wasted.

C: ?

Thanks for your time.

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koga.7215


you will likely get nothing but some unlocked black lion kits.

to be honest, if you spent 50skillpoints for 5 of a single stat, you should have know this would have been changed. you need to be responsible enough to know when something new (and optional) comes out and costs a ridiculous amount that it will likely be changed/adjusted. the “free” +5 AR item does the same thing for you (5 of 1 stat when you have 2k is nothing, even if you made 3 for 15, still nothing) and you should have waited.

Now should they do something to compensate? yes, but it will not be and shouldn’t be 45 skill points. (you yourself have said it seemed wrong but did it anyways)

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Sometimes the price of things change. Gas flucuates in price based on speculation. You drive a new car off the lot and it is suddenly worth less than it was 20 seconds ago. The same model of computer may drop in price a week after you buy it. There are millions of other examples.

All markets fluctuate and the price of items change for many different reasons. To expect a refund or reimbursement every time it happens is unrealistic and would be counter to an adapting marketplace.

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nike.2631


Did you consent? Did you get to enjoy the benefit while waiting for the change?

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


In many MMOs, and some other games, getting things “now” will always be more expensive and/or time consuming than getting things “later”.

That includes the price of the game itself.

That’s why I’m leveling up all my characters instead going for legendaries and such. The costs are simply unreasonably ridiculous.

So let the players with time to spare show off now. We’ll get the stuff for reasonable costs when the novelty has wore off and there’s newer stuff for them to get.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


Still waiting.

+ infusion reimbursement DEV response please

in Suggestions

Posted by: ObliviousFool.3427


Also, for the record, I can call myself a moron joking around, but saying I should have known better is bollocks. I figured if anything they would raise the stat bonus because of people complaining. Infusing my back pieces was a one shot deal in my mind and I needed the resistances and did not want to waste fractal relics “waiting to see” what they were going to do. I figured get the best one available and they would probably boost the +5 whatever to +15 or +20 when enough people complain.

I never even considered that they would lower the cost so drastically and make me have to put so much effort into getting compensated.