karma for legendary precursor

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: franks.1430


I had a idea how I know there getting a precursor . So I would like see you be able to buy the them whit karma. 1 mill for a one hander 2 mill for 2 hander. Or the 100 gold 200 gold idea is good as well. It would be a long grind to get the karma. It would give pepole along term goals to work for and that would help the game out in my eyes.

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oskar.3791


Very good idea but it’s kinda 2 mill too much. One could even add the ability to purchase for Fractal Relics say for about 10 000.

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


Needing gold to buy it defeats the purpose, since you can already buy it with gold. Just some are more expensive and some are really cheap.

Karma is not a bad idea, i wouldn’t make 2h weapons cost more however. A precursor is a precursor.

Fractal relics should stay for the purpose for ascended gear, and not legendaries in my opinion. Of course, an item needed that costs some fractal relics, which you need for your pre cursor could be a good idea.

Ideal would be if you need a couple items you need to farm, like stuff that costs karma, skill points, dungeon tokens and something else which would make your precursor in the mystic forge, just like you need to make a legendary, but with less items.

Whether or not your precursor should be account bound or not is another discussion :P

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


I can’t see a problem with this.
It seems Karma’s usage at the moment is quite limited. I know mine just keeps piling up.

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


I got 300k piled up just waiting for an item worth spending on, I wouldnt mind but i got 7 other chars who I am working on so the karma on that character would be FAR higher if I just played him. Make it 3 million seriously!!

I would not say make it able to be bought with gold, the market already has them on sale, karma is a great idea since karma is useless and precursors are rarer than a public apology from a government. Also, 2 handers costing more than 1-handers, I get it but it shouldn’t be the case since you might only use 1 dagger/pistol and then can afford 2 for the price of 1 (greatsword for example) and keep one and just sell the other so that way you have all the cash you need to buy the mats for the rest of the gifts.

Well, this would be a dream come true Anet, a VIABLE use of karma and a clear view of when to get a precursor. The game is a farm-fest, cleverly hidden but it’s there, may as well make the precursor inclusive to it instead of the random forge which “nobody” likes.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


Karma isn’t a bad idea until you make all your clovers and buy another 250 obsidian shards, then it starts looking like a crappy idea unless you love WvW.

DE’s are not something that people do a lot of these days, so you’re looking at 2/3 million karma from pent/shelter and that 10-15 minutes of waiting for 2 events.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: jwaz.1908


Legendaries already cost 1 million karma, I don’t think adding to this already extremely large number is necessary, although I DO agree that they need to implement a new way of getting precursors.

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
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karma for legendary precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Sure legendaries cost a lot but adding in one more way to get precursors is a better idea than changing the system all over, the problem is that it is just random chance and people do not like that. If they changed the system you know for sure people will complain, adding an extra way to get it just provides for another portion of players. Then you have a choice of your extremely low chance at the forge, your extremely low low chance of getting it from chests and your low low low LOW chance of getting it off a random mob, but now, you ALSO have a chance of farming up a crazy amount of karma to be “guaranteed” a precursor. The time and effort is still there

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”