laurel vendor

laurel vendor

in Suggestions

Posted by: aura enchanted.5698

aura enchanted.5698

add a 3k karma jug to the laurel vendor on a 1 – 1 conversion. 1 laurel = 3k karma jug. i think thatd be an awesome idea
even under the 170% possible boost in karma thats only 5.1k karma per laurel and i think it would be a huge help to those who need karma but dont want to spend ages grinding for it doing WvW and world events in CS + world bosses.

it would be a pretty nice idea imo b/c karma trains suck and not everyone is allowed to commit the time every day required to build up significant karma amounts. im a month i make about 3k + daily on a work day, and on a non work day i can manage about 30 – 40k with only partial boosting. and then if i manage the monthly i get that as well. so to make the karma necissary to get say all the obby shards i need to make a legendary its going to take me over HALF A YEAR assuming im not burning my laurels on obby shards to help it along.
furthermore this would allow those with nothing else to spend their laurels on a way to convert it to something meaningful that they could then use to cash in on lockboxes or w/e
3k also happens to be a nice number because u cant then convert 1 laurel into 1 lockbox without using consumables