let me guest to EU servers
The restriction is there for technological reasons.
Not something they can just remove just like that.
I am quite sure that if they could, they already would have done so.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Hopefully they can find a way to overcome this limitation…
I’m having similar problems as well with some of my friends playing in another region, thus I’m not able to play with them unless I pay the costly price of 1000 to 1800 gems to transfer
Was silly to make the split in the first place. in GW1 you can jump around any server at any time one wanted. But now with GW1, on no we cant do that……
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
That’s why I deleted my 1st lv 80 char… to move Region.
I just wish there would at least be some sort if International guesting server if at all possible.
I seem to recall reading that Guild Wars used to have restrictions on regions, and International districts existed for that reason.
I also recall reading that it would take too much data sending all over the place (<- there’s proper terms for this that I just don’t know) when guesting to other regions which is why this restriction is place, so I don’t know if the International server would be any more doable.