maybe some small ranger improvements?

maybe some small ranger improvements?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

Hi there,
For start I just admit, that I’m one of these person who thinks that ranger rigth now is good and not “sux”
but after all my adventure with this profession I have seen some minor (but in some-persons opinion major) issues, and after some making my mind I have some proposition how to fix them (not sure why writing them – because, if You fix that I’ll have serious problem with choicing my weaponset :P)

first issue is… one-handed sword chain skills.
there are very players complainig about that (and still playing at sword+dagger+trap “tanky build” as “only viable ranger build”) but let them alone with that – there are many other viable builds (minimum 4 but not sure what that build are – but this is not topic of that)

so problem with that chain is hidden in skills “kick” and “pounce” – both some kind of “move-toward-enemy” with range 400 and 430.
With auto atack activated on this chain we have very difficult situation.
If ranger focus he can move around enemy while “slice” duration. unfortunately little move of camera in wrong direction lead to “where-the-heck-is-enemy-i’m-atacking” situation. the other problem is that in duration of both “kick” and “pounce” ranger cannot dodge and in the consequence of all of that – he cannot disengage without using hornet sting. Only possibility to disengage with that weapon is: dodge, hornet sting or weapon swap – there is not possible to just run out because autoatacking chain are leading us back to the enemy.

I was thinking a lot how to repair that chain without making them OP.
after all I decided that IMO best possibility is rebuild that chain a little – and even I have a proposition of new one-handed sword chain:
1. Slice: Slice your foe,
2. Backswing: Slice your foe again with a backswing,
3. Hawk’s Talon: Maul your foe with a powerfull evasive blow that inflict bleeding (3 stacks) OR Bear’s blow: Strike Your foe with powerfull evasive blow that grant might to you and your pet

skill damage and casting time (duration time) I give to balancing team

that’s the first and most important (IMO) issue.

second is the issue with the spirits.
in my opinion spirit efect should afflict all strikes when player is in the range of spirit not just one in 10 seconds-if that is OP maybe that what is needed is changing the chance to gain buff (for example – if applying burning on every second hit is OP maybe just make lesser chance to apply that efect – maybe to 25% with(out) trait? that would make that every forth atack inflinct burning)

that was second now third:
that is minor grafical issue and I think that this problem is not only afflicting ranger (not tested yet)
problem is with any weapons skill that have “throw your weapon” in description.
for example: if I take axe+whatever and have guild backpack visible – using any axe mainhand skill are making both weapons AND backpack to disappear for a moment.
with some test following skills are afected:
Throw sword (chain with counter atack)
axe main hand – all skills are affected,
axe offhand: path of scars,
dagger: crippling talon (throwing dagger – main weapon and backpack disappear for a moment – seriously)
torch: throw torch.

and at last I have some propose – maybe adding dagger mainhand option to the ranger is worthy of consider?


PS. I have an ask to every player that will read this – please, respond in this thread only when You have some merytorical comment to my proposition here – If You want just to post “fix the ranger” or “fix all the ranger” so better will be that You wouldn’t post anything – but I’m waiting for every agrees/disagrees – in that second option best with some good arguments – and also waiting for somebody from developer team best those who are responsible for ranger profession (if anyone is at the moment), to tell what is ArenaNet opinion about things which I pointed here

PS2. for any interested where I found 4 viable builds for ranger – before last update I have a possibility to make an AC with 4 rangers+mesmer team – and asked everyone for build – there was not even two players with the same build – and we made the whole dungeon without any problems – there was some similarity in builds – as for example focusing on power/crit/condi/whatever-kind-of-damage/survi – but there was big differences in builds

best regard once again

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maybe some small ranger improvements?

in Suggestions

Posted by: renss.5764


agree, i died so many times on this thing. And when u can finally dodge its allready too late. this needs a fix!