No. Use the search feature next time; this topic has been created too many times, and will get locked up quickly.
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Every time someone fires off yet another mount thread and refuses to use the search function, Dwayna kills a baby Quaggan.
if you mean “mount” as in “getting off the ground to travel”, there is the broomstick option in the gem store. i consider it a mount, because it doesn’t touch the ground unless in a landed state.. like griffons.
Plz bring in mounts. My friends and I all complain about all the running around the game. It gets so boring and time consuming. Even if you made the teleports all free, which you should. We still have to run to teleports all the time and location to location. I feel like all these Mount Haters on here should remember not everyone loves to waste all their time running everywhere. If they don’t want mounts then they don’t have to get one. But for players who do then we should be able to have a mount. As the maps get bigger the more frustrating it will become for players. Mounts will help speed up travel time to meet with players to do quest together. Not all this standing around waiting for all the players to run all the way over to them. I loved riding my mounts in other games to enjoy looking at all the game design. With teleports players miss out on seeing all of GW2 beautiful landscapes. I have seen animals in game that would make awesome mounts. We don’t need these huge mounts just make mounts that change size to fit players size.
Every time someone fires off yet another mount thread and refuses to use the search function, Dwayna kills a baby Quaggan.
and we get more fun backpacks
running around is as fast as you can go in this game, even with adding a mount you would go the same speed…
so it is quite pointless…
every single zone in the map is little not so really time consuming to run from a side to another.
if you refer to cross map travel, i can’t believe you could run (even on a mount) from LA to Frostgorge… you would use a waypoint and in doing so you would use the nearest to the spot you need to be, so once there a mount would be again pointless (u would use more time in mounting and dismounting than simply move).
for cosmetic purposes, they finally added the broomstick.
p.s. every class have some way to get speed buff. use that as your mount
p.p.s. i played lotro, a game where maps where ginormous and there were few teleport abilities (not only the book and the movie were a walkfest, also the game managed to do the exact same thing), so a mount was indeed required (in fact you had to pay 95 turbine points to have it). i don’t think it would be nice in gw2 (since you can teleport pretty everywhere and be where you want to be in seconds) to add a speed buff like a mount for gems in the store. i think it would be against the no pay to win policy this company try to have. just to finish, if you had use your search feature (preventing dwayna in berserker killing mode and fun backpacks to pop up) you would have notice that anet in person said a lot of time no mount in this game, that is not what gw2 is about or something like this.
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