multiple whisper colors

multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


I know this is a realllllly small thing, but I think it would be really nice to have the option to have a different whisper color set to different people. It could be permanent (like this person’s whisper will always be color x) or just in order of whoever whispers you (like 1st person’s color is color x, 2nd color y, and so on). It’d be great if we could set the colors ourselves as well. I dunno the same color just starts to blend and when 3+ people are whispering me at once it all blends (especially when you ask if anyone needs a group and 5 people whisper all at once _). In every mmo the same whisper color always makes me wish this multi color system existed. I know this probably won’t change anything but worth a try i guess? xD

multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I would like to see this as well! I am constantly whisper-bombed and it is easy to miss one.

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multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


I know this re is pretty late but…. Exactly!! Even with 2 or 3 people messaging you it can get kinda crazy if they are messaging you very quickly . (And daw kittehs with keyboards =w= <3)

multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Oh also I forgot to include this in my original post… If it’s possible also we should be able to choose the color with hex or one of those color slider things.