My idea is that during fights every other class has to fight while being seen and constently being targeted. I play thief mostly and pretty much only WvW anymore. Stopped PvP’ing at rank 40 a few months ago and i am actually getting bored of WvW atm…. SO! I would like to be challenged to step up my thief gameplay and stop playing easy mode.
I honestly believe ppl should have a way to combat stealth, especially with how accessible it is. Thieves WILL still have the advantage over other classes because they can still drop target and (you will see) can go stealth again imminently as long as they didnt hit someone from stealth .. in which case if they did they would get the already in place – revealed debuff. This change would make the game more fun to me, stop ppl from crying, and teach thieves to be better players. It would force them to learn to dodge, keep CD’s ready, and calculate the risk of engagement just like every other class has too!
My ideas are!!
When a stealthed player gets hit it removes stealth but does not apply the revealed debuff. Very simple but it would give a more balanced feel and a way to combat stealth! I truely believe this would help the game..
Of coarse things that wont take you out of stealth are..
AoE fields
necro marks
guardian staff autoattck (lol that would be bad)
and chain attacks like ranger longbow or rifle warrior (as long as the first attack didnt hit you while in stealth)
another idea i have is change last refuge and make the player drop BLACK POWDER instead .. they could even gain stealth from that if they know how or are quick enough
reduce ini cost of CnD to 5
increase heart seeker to 3 ini and put a trait 25 to 30 points deep into the trickery line to decrease the ini of all #2 weapon skills by one.. this will make things a little more spammable but the thief would have to sacrifice something to get to it (most likly damage) and it would also make it harder for those d/p to be so cheezy!
shadow refuge should be a stealth pulsing area that does not give the revealed debuff.. it should work like this.. im in stealth in my shadow refuge and it is pulsing every second to give me stealth.. oops i get hit.. my stealth is gone.. pulse.. i have stealth again and they just gor blinded because i have it traited to blind on stealth WIN!
EXAMPLE OF THIEF ON THIEF: 1 thief CnD another thief but then gets CnD’ed.. oops the first lost his stealth but if he can guess where the other is on his next CnD he will have it and not the 2nd thief.
AND get rid of that stealth trap ANET! it is no longer needed.. (after you implement this) and the playing field is now fair game!
The bad thieves will crumble but the good will excel!!
Assassins never die.. because they never enter a fight they will have to run from!
SIGNED Pump The Brakes ( WvW thief from Deso ) better know as blondie