1) I have few armor sets and choice it manualy in inventory take long time(I have to find all armor pieces=6 pieces from 18) , so its easier do it in hero panel(in right side)
but there is a catch, every armor piece has very long name by stats and runes, so I would like to give my armor and weapon name just by me(like “DMG helm” or “condi gloves”)
2) let us set off our sets of armor by color frame around armor(and weapon/jewelry) icon in inventory(for example- rigth click on helm->set 1 = red frame around helm)
3) give us more sets of trait, now I have to make build and when I want change it I have to go for retrainer NPS, it is really anoying
I like to have 3 sets of traits and just switch them in dungs or WvW(out of combat of course) easy like I do with armor set, I want be flexable