people like to farm?
Hm… parsing this post is extremely difficulty.
From what I can hardly understand, you are saying that Pact Operation Southern Advancement even chain is the only ‘farmable’ event chain, and because of that, too many people congregate to participate in it, and as a result of that, it’s too hard to get credit for it.
You are also suggesting to make more event chains ‘farmable’ like this one.
Looks to me that the solution is very simple. And it’s just the opposite:
- Whatever makes this event chain ‘farmable’ or more desirable than the rest must be stopped or toned down to put it more in line with the rest.
I actually don’t think Event chains were meant to be farmed so Im not sure if Anet would make more “farmable” events.
Not A Message.
Well, what the hell are we supposed to do after we’ve completed the story. The achievements are ALL FARMING. Congratulations you’ve killed 1000+ of X Monster! and there’s like 50 of those, then all the pvp achievements which, I’m not sure if you understand or not, but pvp is just constant farming of players instead of monsters.
Farming is doing something over and over for tangible reward – see agriculture.
Grinding is doing something over and over for meaningless reward – see mowing the lawn. They both technically do the same thing, you plant something, then harvest it. The difference is in what can be done with the harvest. With agriculture I get food and/or income. With mowing the lawn I get a freshly cut lawn smell and/or compost. Which one is worth more?
With anti-farming in place to ‘stop the bots’ (lol) my tangible reward is turning into meaningless reward while the bots accumulate meaningless reward at a rate that makes it into tangible reward. The bots can mow lawn faster than me and in bulk so they can sell the compost whereas I can’t.
Now, tell me how that makes me, as a real player, happy? Why are bots getting all the love and I get nothing? I enjoy doing some event chains and I do them alot. I get less reward for helping NPC’s with a world event(actually playing) than a bot that is just killing moa birds all day long.
Anet needs to start treating the players right and stop focusing all their effort on bots. I understand the problem with bots and it’ll never go away because this is a game where real money can be made by making a script do all the work of a real person. It’s simple business practice – if I can replace an employee with a script I can make more money. But the customers aren’t getting the same level of service anymore either. It’s like DRM focusing on the problem instead of encouraging the customers with discounts and easier ways to get it.
Anet is making some of us grind because they’re focusing on the botting issue to much. Sometimes we like a skin that one of the events give us or we’re trying to get that boss’s rare, that’s grind. Then after a couple runs we don’t get the rare and we’re hit with anti-farm code (Diminishing Returns-DR) and now we have absolutely no way of getting it without doing some loophole move to reset the DR artificially, causing Anet to waste resources and the player to lose patience, fun, time, etc. All this while the bot goes about it’s routine happily not caring in the slightest that its time is actually being wasted and there’s more to the game than just the circle around town X and Monster Y.
Anyway, no matter how you look at it, end-game content is farming whether it’s doing dynamic – er cyclical – events, dungeons, pvp, wvw, or crafting. They’re ALL farming because there aren’t infinite different events, the world is finite, and there are no lasting affects to the world that have to be reversed before it can be restored.