preview items in trading post
I am a little miffed by this as well. I would think in a game where appearance means so much and so much was put into different item and looks that this would have certainly been a feature.
This is important to me also. I would love to be able to preview something before I buy it.
Yep. i hate buying items from TP then i preview it to see if i like it, lol.
With the poor icon design and names it’s even difficult to google what the item looks like.
I would only say: ASAP
This has already been confirmed to be working on by the team! So expect it shortly is my guess.
~Charr Guardian~ – ~Norn Necromancer ~
This needs to be added.
This has already been confirmed to be working on by the team! So expect it shortly is my guess.
Ah. i did not knew this was already confirmed, but that’s great to hear that this is confirmed