previews @ black lion

previews @ black lion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crona.2509


hiya Anet ^^

now this is something i’m realy bothered with , witch iz that you CANT preview anything when your buying @ the black lion trading company :o verry anoying actualy :s
couple times i spend money on armour i don’t even like the skin off :s
with everything else you can previeuw , so why not @ BLTC? you know
especialy for high prices on weapons and armour
please add this and you will make everyone’s day i think ^^ and will make the game even more perfect
cheeerz to Anet team , and hope you guyz chek it out ^^ mutch apreciated ^^

Guild Leader of : Final Nightmare (FIN).
aurora glade server ^^

previews @ black lion

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlackPaw.5948


agree /15 chars