remove downstate at least from pvp

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Przemek.6835


Just like in title. It is so unnecessary and kinda lame, big fight is going on and I am lying down on a ground either throwing stones or any stuff like that or raising my hand till I will be able to get up. I mean, seriously? Downstate crushes balance, it prevents good people from killing 2 even the biggest newbs in spvp at once. I am not saying I am good, I am still new, I can burst tho and kite quite well today I kited 2 guardians for 5 minutes. It was a 2v1 game and I killied one but he got rallied, than I killied another one, same thing. It is so broken its not even fun. I can’t imagine even the best player atm killing me and some random newb that will just auto attack, why? Because I can rally him so easy. I know it is against the casuality of the game, and I know it is hard to destroy your own work. But I have also read that ANet wants this game to be an e-sport, I also read that they think it feels epic not to get killied but to lay down a while and than get back to fight. No its not. I am sorry to say this, because I had high hopes for the game but atm MAINLY because of downstate I am just going to complete map and pvp in WoW or LoL. I am pretty disappointed because I bought the game to pvp and aimed to be good at it. I was like “I will get used to it”, but I won’t. And I am sure many players share my thoughts, if you do so (or not) write here, lets get ANet attention around this. They need to add more maps for pvp, more modes not just conquest, they need to balance the classes and the game itself, there is much work to do, but first of all downstate has to be removed.

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


There is no Healer class.. so removing downed state is crazy

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: vespers.1759


as much as i don’t like downed, at least it gives you a way to avoid the 15minute run back when the zerg rolls you in 1 second sometimes.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyris.4285


Just like in title. It is so unnecessary and kinda lame, big fight is going on and I am lying down on a ground either throwing stones or any stuff like that or raising my hand till I will be able to get up. I mean, seriously? Downstate crushes balance, it prevents good people from killing 2 even the biggest newbs in spvp at once. I am not saying I am good, I am still new, I can burst tho and kite quite well today I kited 2 guardians for 5 minutes. It was a 2v1 game and I killied one but he got rallied, than I killied another one, same thing. It is so broken its not even fun. I can’t imagine even the best player atm killing me and some random newb that will just auto attack, why? Because I can rally him so easy. I know it is against the casuality of the game, and I know it is hard to destroy your own work. But I have also read that ANet wants this game to be an e-sport, I also read that they think it feels epic not to get killied but to lay down a while and than get back to fight. No its not. I am sorry to say this, because I had high hopes for the game but atm MAINLY because of downstate I am just going to complete map and pvp in WoW or LoL. I am pretty disappointed because I bought the game to pvp and aimed to be good at it. I was like “I will get used to it”, but I won’t. And I am sure many players share my thoughts, if you do so (or not) write here, lets get ANet attention around this. They need to add more maps for pvp, more modes not just conquest, they need to balance the classes and the game itself, there is much work to do, but first of all downstate has to be removed.

No. Downed state is fine.

The problem is with YOU. You are a terrible player.

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Just like in title. It is so unnecessary and kinda lame, big fight is going on and I am lying down on a ground either throwing stones or any stuff like that or raising my hand till I will be able to get up. I mean, seriously? Downstate crushes balance, it prevents good people from killing 2 even the biggest newbs in spvp at once. I am not saying I am good, I am still new, I can burst tho and kite quite well today I kited 2 guardians for 5 minutes. It was a 2v1 game and I killied one but he got rallied, than I killied another one, same thing. It is so broken its not even fun. I can’t imagine even the best player atm killing me and some random newb that will just auto attack, why? Because I can rally him so easy. I know it is against the casuality of the game, and I know it is hard to destroy your own work. But I have also read that ANet wants this game to be an e-sport, I also read that they think it feels epic not to get killied but to lay down a while and than get back to fight. No its not. I am sorry to say this, because I had high hopes for the game but atm MAINLY because of downstate I am just going to complete map and pvp in WoW or LoL. I am pretty disappointed because I bought the game to pvp and aimed to be good at it. I was like “I will get used to it”, but I won’t. And I am sure many players share my thoughts, if you do so (or not) write here, lets get ANet attention around this. They need to add more maps for pvp, more modes not just conquest, they need to balance the classes and the game itself, there is much work to do, but first of all downstate has to be removed.

No. Downed state is fine.

The problem is with YOU. You are a terrible player.

This. I wouldn’t say terrible though, probably ignorant to adapting.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: forrae.6708


its only really frustrating when you get 6v1’d. other than that, its fine if you have people around.

thugged out since cubscouts

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Przemek.6835


First of all we are not talking about my skill personally I think that I am doing just fine for the time I have been playing.

Second, if you think downstate will help you avoid zerging than GL getting back up when you have few people around you.

There is no healer class because there is no trinity, everyone has a few skills to defend and few to replenish health I dont see a problem at all there. If ANet says “hey, we want all of you to be able to take care of yourselfs so we are removing holy trinity and we give you the abilities to survive” than what is the problem oO.

I have seen a ton of complaints about downstate, I wonder if this people only post QQ in general or spvp forum or do they actually try to look for a solution…

Anyway there is no real reasoning before downstate existance idk why some people want to keep it. Probably cause they are playing premades and they abuse it to insanity… or they zerg with the masses.

Oh and if you see something that is done badly or something that shouldnt be done at all, you adapt to it? If so, I am sorry for you.

(edited by Przemek.6835)

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

All im going to say is that , when i PvP , i like this feature.

Still i dont PvP all that much already anyway.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Przemek.6835


If not remove, than leave it as it is but give an option to cast a ranged finisher to everyone, way slower, but possible to cast while moving.

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sniku.6837


remove down state is a good ideea imo

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aldrin.8620


I hate downstate in pvp. I have been known to win 3v1 and 4v1 fights in other games, but I can barely pull off a 2v1 in this game. Skill isn’t the issue, game mechanics doesn’t allow it. I only have so many vulnerabilities or stealth tricks up my sleeve and when they are on cooldown, I have no chance.

I have stopped playing the game simply because I bought it to pvp, but get ticked when have to kill someone twice before they actually die for good. I doubt they will ever remove it, but I have a proposal.

How about they offer a new spvp mode that is downstate-off. Heck, if they later observe the majority of players are using this new mode, then they might have some motive to remove downstate completely from pvp and move it over into WvW.

(edited by Aldrin.8620)

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


The down state adds a dynamic aspect to the game. It may not be well liked by those who want to burst people down with cooldowns, but that may be specifically what it there to address. I enjoy it because it gives me a last second to possibly get in a killing blow. I will admit that I dislike Quickness + Execute, as it’s bloody stupid. Otherwise, downed state is fine.

Point in case, I was fighting an elementalist (that melee’ed…) and a thief (that shot me in melee range…) in the clocktower on whatever sPVP map it is. Solo guardian, got them both to 10%. Thief decided to get closer (wit?), elementalist decided that it wasn’t healthy and rolled out. Thief got ‘downed’, elementalist healed up. I rushed to execute thief instead of keep elementalist out. All I needed was a quick smash of Hammer #4 and the elementalist would have been out of range, allowing me the execute. I did not use hammer #4 as I was too busy trying to spam execute like a goon. The elementalist ended up knocking ME back and getting off the revive. Needless to say, I did not survive two characters back to 40% and me with my heal on cooldown.

One can still 2v1 with skill, just takes planning to prepare for the downed state. It’s not the same as other MMOs, just deal with it and adjust your playstyle accordingly.


EDIT: Oh and kiting a guardian isn’t hard. Just plan for 1 distance closer, two if the player is paranoid. If you can avoid both of those distance closers, the guardian is generally done for if he/she doesn’t peel off.