remove level decrease
this is to stop level 80s from steam rolling everything and making it unfun for the actual low levels.
so, no.
lol ive played many mmos that doesnt happen and even if they come in all their doing is helping the low levels
lol ive played many mmos that doesnt happen and even if they come in all their doing is helping the low levels
Actually no.
What people do when they come into a low-level zone as a high-level is that they kill everything without much issue making it quite hard for the low-levels to get credit for kills.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
well tell me this why are you level 80 not doing something productive like dungeoning or something ? and what will they gain from doing that are you saying that this community is not mature enough to not do that ?
lol ive played many mmos that doesnt happen and even if they come in all their doing is helping the low levels
Actually no.
What people do when they come into a low-level zone as a high-level is that they kill everything without much issue making it quite hard for the low-levels to get credit for kills.
Right. I can see how 1 shotting things would be better………
or their keeping the lower levels from gaining experience because the mobe die before the lower levels can get a hit in. bad idea. All it does is make relevant gameplay for higher levels smaller. A pack of bloodthirsty wolves should be dangerous no matter where they are. Ettin should hit hard no matter how close they live to a human settlement.
Being able to play in lower level areas, playing with friends or on your own, is one of the greatest things about the pve areas. If I was massively overpowered it’d just be dull.
You’ve never played an mmo where high level players messed up the low level areas for low level players? Wow. Where can I find these lovely kind players?
this is to stop level 80s from steam rolling everything and making it unfun for the actual low levels.
so, no.
One-shooting everything is not fun. At all.
Even with downscalling, the Shadow Behemoth barely lasts for two minutes with all the lvl 80s zerging it.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
then its not that hard to reduce the drops or reward for killing something of lower value ?
then its not that hard to reduce the drops or reward for killing something of lower value ?
And then the world bosses would be empty, there’d be 2 – 3 dungeons available (Arah, HotW and Fractals) and level 80’s would be confined to 3 – 4 zones.
I can’t see how the positives (people can play with lower level friends without hindering them, content doesn’t become redundant for higher level players) can be outweighed by someone wanting to feel awesome just because of higher numbers.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
remove the stupid thing that lowers your level if you go into a lower level area i hate being level 70 and walking to lower level places and still feeling under powered and for dungeons to just lower exp or something dame -.-
A good player will never feel underpowered in a lower level zone. The problem isn’t with the sidekick system, it’s with you. The problem might be your skill level or it might be your mentality, but it is on your end.
Right. I can see how 1 shotting things would be better………
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
then its not that hard to reduce the drops or reward for killing something of lower value ?
And then the world bosses would be empty, there’d be 2 – 3 dungeons available (Arah, HotW and Fractals) and level 80’s would be confined to 3 – 4 zones.
I can’t see how the positives (people can play with lower level friends without hindering them, content doesn’t become redundant for higher level players) can be outweighed by someone wanting to feel awesome just because of higher numbers.
then they can add more content
remove the stupid thing that lowers your level if you go into a lower level area i hate being level 70 and walking to lower level places and still feeling under powered and for dungeons to just lower exp or something dame -.-
A good player will never feel underpowered in a lower level zone. The problem isn’t with the sidekick system, it’s with you. The problem might be your skill level or it might be your mentality, but it is on your end.
lol i was a bit over the top when i said that but nope im smarter then you. i created my first pc game when i was in 7th grade i skipped 6 and 11th grade so i don’t think im stupid
(edited by frostichigo.9751)
remove the stupid thing that lowers your level if you go into a lower level area i hate being level 70 and walking to lower level places and still feeling under powered and for dungeons to just lower exp or something dame -.-
A good player will never feel underpowered in a lower level zone. The problem isn’t with the sidekick system, it’s with you. The problem might be your skill level or it might be your mentality, but it is on your end.
lol i was a bit over the top when i said that but nope im smarter then you. i created my first pc game when i was in 7th grade i skipped 6 and 11th grade so i don’t think im stupid
Let’s stay away from the who’s smarter than who debate, despite the irony of your post.
The problem is more than likely on your end, and it is more than likely due to your gear. If you feel underpowered in a low level area, it is because your gear is not max for your current level. You said you are 70, check and see if each and every piece of gear you are wearing is 70. This includes weapons, armor and accessories. If anything is below 70, that is your problem. That said, you shouldn’t concern yourself too much over this until you are 80.
then its not that hard to reduce the drops or reward for killing something of lower value ?
And then the world bosses would be empty, there’d be 2 – 3 dungeons available (Arah, HotW and Fractals) and level 80’s would be confined to 3 – 4 zones.
I can’t see how the positives (people can play with lower level friends without hindering them, content doesn’t become redundant for higher level players) can be outweighed by someone wanting to feel awesome just because of higher numbers.
then they can add more content
But what about the World Bosses?
Not all of them are level 80, and you can’t scale them up to level 80 when they’re in lower level zones.
Downscaling gives players the option to revisit old content without having too much of an advantage, meaning they can actually play the content, and not sneeze, killing everything in a 1 mile radius, and lower level players can actually participate in events without level 80’s killing everything before they get a chance to tag mobs.
Going back to your comment “well tell me this why are you level 80 not doing something productive like dungeoning or something ?”, why would downscaling be an issue for you if you’re being a productive level 80, and sticking to them areas?
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
remove the stupid thing that lowers your level if you go into a lower level area i hate being level 70 and walking to lower level places and still feeling under powered and for dungeons to just lower exp or something dame -.-
A good player will never feel underpowered in a lower level zone. The problem isn’t with the sidekick system, it’s with you. The problem might be your skill level or it might be your mentality, but it is on your end.
lol i was a bit over the top when i said that but nope im smarter then you. i created my first pc game when i was in 7th grade i skipped 6 and 11th grade so i don’t think im stupid
Let’s stay away from the who’s smarter than who debate, despite the irony of your post.
The problem is more than likely on your end, and it is more than likely due to your gear. If you feel underpowered in a low level area, it is because your gear is not max for your current level. You said you are 70, check and see if each and every piece of gear you are wearing is 70. This includes weapons, armor and accessories. If anything is below 70, that is your problem. That said, you shouldn’t concern yourself too much over this until you are 80.
remove the stupid thing that lowers your level if you go into a lower level area i hate being level 70 and walking to lower level places and still feeling under powered and for dungeons to just lower exp or something dame -.-
A good player will never feel underpowered in a lower level zone. The problem isn’t with the sidekick system, it’s with you. The problem might be your skill level or it might be your mentality, but it is on your end.
lol i was a bit over the top when i said that but nope im smarter then you. i created my first pc game when i was in 7th grade i skipped 6 and 11th grade so i don’t think im stupid
He didn’t call you stupid.
He was questioning if your mentality (that is, you want to feel super awesome, one-shotting anything that is a lower level than you) is influencing your suggestion.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
It will never happen for numerous reasons. The system works exactly as it was intended.
This is one of the core features of GW2. If you don’t like it, I wonder why did you buy the game in the first place.
lol i was a bit over the top when i said that but nope im smarter then you. i created my first pc game when i was in 7th grade i skipped 6 and 11th grade so i don’t think im stupid
I never said you were stupid.
I strongly disagree with you.
As mentioned by numerous other people already it is essential in order to prevent higher leveled players from decimating everything in sight. Due to Guild Wars encouraging people to explore different zones, including other racial starter zones and general exploration for map completion it would occur more than in other typical mmos. Not to mention how easy would it be for level 80’s to go solo low level group evens for masses of free silver, karma and experience.
Reducing the level to scale with the area just gives the game a lot more life, I for one really enjoying exploring around the whole map and seeing the different environments, however If I was one-shotting everything, it would be alot less enjoyable.
Not to mention how easy would it be for level 80’s to go solo low level group evens for masses of free silver, karma and experience.
80’s can already solo group events, hell people AT LEVEL can solo “group” events. The much bigger issue would be every level 80 in the game 1 shotting every enemy in AC for faster solo clears than an optimal CoF P1 party.
80’s can already solo group events, hell people AT LEVEL can solo “group” events. The much bigger issue would be every level 80 in the game 1 shotting every enemy in AC for faster solo clears than an optimal CoF P1 party.
I’m aware that 80’s can already go solo low level group events, but in its current state with the down-leveling system it’s not worth the time investment compared to doing group events with groups as intended. The point that I was trying to emphasis is that If they could simply walk up and 1 shot these event bosses It would be a very practical means for them to grind on. But like you said, if they did remove the level decrease system then people would be able to just clear dungeons in several minutes with minimal effort which overall would ruin the experience for themselves and others who did actually want to partake in a group effort.
Trolls have already done this topic, step up your game son!
if your lvl 80 and you complain about the level drop than you have a terrible build. I helped someone at lvl 3 do some higher level stuff to level up quicker ( around level 10 stuff) and it was really hard to let him get credit for kills because two whacks of my greatsword would kill a bandit. SO no they should not take out the level decrease. What they should do is create more areas just for level 80s because so far cursed shore is the only one.
lol i was a bit over the top when i said that but nope im smarter then you. i created my first pc game when i was in 7th grade i skipped 6 and 11th grade so i don’t think im stupid
If you had that much creativity then why did you go with frostichigo for your Anet name..
Anyway onto the subject. No do not remove it. I like playing with my friends and NOT being overpowered when in a lower level zone. While I believe they need to Buff Shadow Behemoth and all other lower level world bosses; they DO NOT need to remove the level capping in zones. It’s part of GW2 original design.
then its not that hard to reduce the drops or reward for killing something of lower value ?
And then the world bosses would be empty, there’d be 2 – 3 dungeons available (Arah, HotW and Fractals) and level 80’s would be confined to 3 – 4 zones.
I can’t see how the positives (people can play with lower level friends without hindering them, content doesn’t become redundant for higher level players) can be outweighed by someone wanting to feel awesome just because of higher numbers.
then they can add more content
The entire game currently gives loot, experience and all to max level players, and you’re still asking for more content, knowing full well other games only have 1 or 2 top zones?
Do not agree. The downlevelling is what makes this game awesome. I can play in low level areas without being punished, regardless of whether my toon is a BiS main or lowbie alt.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
It will never happen for numerous reasons. The system works exactly as it was intended.
It’s a core feature, an awesome feature, and a one of people’s favorite features. Removing it is a dumb idea and would kill the game. Plain and simple. It’s a selling point for the game. It’s NEVER going to happen.
I hope they have the downleveling in GW9, 10, and 26 too.
(edited by Euthymia.4807)
if you feel too weak when downscaled, then you and your gear are just bad.
the downscaling should be harsher, imo. running around in low level areas as a fully equipped lvl80 is way too easy.
Gunnar’s Hold
Dynamic Scalling!
Best GW2 feature. Sure it need some tweaks, but it’s awesome!!!
I remember going into the starter area at level 20 in Guild Wars 1 (max level) and one shotting the creatures there. While it was at first mildly amusing to one shot all the mobs that gave me trouble as a low level (take that! Level 5 Suneh Stormbringer) it didn’t take long for it to be boring. And the drops were terrible. With downleveling there is a good chance for level appropriate drops, including the occasional rare. And it’s not so boring.
Even being downleveled in starter zones a 70+ will 1-2 shot stuff. LawL fail.
I think they could increase the max level just a tiny bit in some areas.
well tell me this why are you level 80 not doing something productive like dungeoning or something ? and what will they gain from doing that are you saying that this community is not mature enough to not do that ?
Well some people have lvl 80’s and do not want to run dungeons with them, this mmo is not like other mmos the idea for the down leveling is so you can still play with your high level with your low level friends.
Also if you are 80 in a lvl 3 zone you still get lvl 80 loot, and it isn’t that hard to 1 shot or even 2 shot things till you get to lvl 25 zones. The game is mostly about skill not about stats and what you want are your lvl 80 stats vs lvl 70 monsters.
I’d vote for it to go the other way around, I’d rather have the deleveling be made even harsher. As it is, if I go with my guardian or mesmer (level 80 exotic/ascended geared) to any level 15 or lower area, they demolish almost anything in two or three attacks, the more they’re deleveled, the more grossly overpowered they feel, which is why the events like the frozen maw are such a joke, unless you happen to be there when the preevents start, and know when to shoot at anything, chances are you’ll miss them because the level 80’s kill them so fast.
Personally, for example, a level 80 in best gear when deleveled to level 15 shouldn’t be that much more powerful than a level 15 in the best gear available for that level (which at that point is blue gear).
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
If levelling is going to be so pointless in the end, why even have it? And 80 levels of it too, way more than most mmos.
If you’re going to have the decrease- should have an increase when you go into higher level areas too.
If levelling is going to be so pointless in the end, why even have it? And 80 levels of it too, way more than most mmos.
If you’re going to have the decrease- should have an increase when you go into higher level areas too.
While we’re at it, why even have a game? Just log in and enter your name on the high score board.
If levelling is going to be so pointless in the end, why even have it? And 80 levels of it too, way more than most mmos.
If you’re going to have the decrease- should have an increase when you go into higher level areas too.
I think that a lot of people hasn’t been telling you the reason in the right way and It’s more trying to blaming you for thinking different. I’m gonna tell you why your suggestion wont be ever considered seriously and why some people are mocking you.
GW2 in their philosophy stated they wanted to bring the feeling of a true MMO were the community instead of compeating for mobs, loots or any kind of rewards they would try to help each other. You can see this easily in the player interactions with other players like the combo system, the down/drown system and the events system.
They did it too for those player that are high level and that want to help others low levels friends without staying there just tanking mobs for the other to kill, they felt this was boring.
Another reason was the meta-events in low levels would suffer from high level players entering the zone to participate, they wouldnt be able to increase the difficulty for high levels without affecting the low levels.
Now, you have the wrong concept that you will be undepowered in these areas as when you played them. Full geared (exotic set level 80) you should be able to take down most of the mobs really easy, and this comes from a squishy Thief with full Berzerk set.
The only thing that I may agree with you it’s the part where I don’t really feel “legendary” but I think you are focusing the problem in the wrong area.
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
(edited by Kiba.9701)
You still severely overpower all those lower level zones. The only thing you’re not going to overpower is dungeons, and that’s as it should be.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
If levelling is going to be so pointless in the end, why even have it? And 80 levels of it too, way more than most mmos.
If you’re going to have the decrease- should have an increase when you go into higher level areas too.
You have a point. Many GW1 fans feel this game has about 60 levels too many.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
leveling in GW2 is easy. That’s why there’s more levels. In GW1 it took about as long to get to level 20 as it does to 80.
You still severely overpower all those lower level zones. The only thing you’re not going to overpower is dungeons, and that’s as it should be.
Even in dungeons it’s too easy – try AC story mode with five 30s and then again with everyone maxed out. The difference is startling.
IMO traits are fine but level 80 white gear shouldn’t be so dramatically different to level 1 white gear.
You still severely overpower all those lower level zones. The only thing you’re not going to overpower is dungeons, and that’s as it should be.
Even in dungeons it’s too easy – try AC story mode with five 30s and then again with everyone maxed out. The difference is startling.
IMO traits are fine but level 80 white gear shouldn’t be so dramatically different to level 1 white gear.
When scaled to level 1 there isn’t.
leveling in GW2 is easy. That’s why there’s more levels. In GW1 it took about as long to get to level 20 as it does to 80.
No, that’s not why there are 80 levels instead of 20. If it were simply a matter of it being too easy to level, ArenaNet could have just as easily tweaked the difficulty instead of adding 60 more levels.
then its not that hard to reduce the drops or reward for killing something of lower value ?
And then the world bosses would be empty, there’d be 2 – 3 dungeons available (Arah, HotW and Fractals) and level 80’s would be confined to 3 – 4 zones.
I can’t see how the positives (people can play with lower level friends without hindering them, content doesn’t become redundant for higher level players) can be outweighed by someone wanting to feel awesome just because of higher numbers.
then they can add more content
You make it sound so easy lol.
Just enjoy the fact that not everything is handed to you. There is no need to be 1 shotting things. In fact, my thief in non-full zerker gear and not full dps traits can 1 shot things in wayfarer foothills np. I already call that too much.
I think the op is just drowning in ego juice and needs to 1 shot champions in mount maelstrom when they hit 80. The system works as inteded, and the majority of people like it as it makes low level zones relevant to an extent when you hit higher levels. I don’t see how changing this would help the game at all.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
(edited by NinjaEd.3946)
A quick anecdote here. Back when I was starting in WoW, rather late as it was several years after it was released, there was stitches. It was as close to a dynamic event as we had back then, when you finished a long quest chain at around level 35 (out of 60 that was the cap then), mostly finding some assorted reagents for a sephulcter trying to resurrect his dead wife (IIRC), he gave you a note to deliver to the mayor of a nearby town… the letter said his true intentions.
He used them to create an elite abomination (really big and ugly undead creature, common at higher level but was the first and only time for a while that you encountered one if you were playing alliance) called Stitches, he would spawn on the graveyard and slowly make his way towards the town, with guards going down the road to try to stop it and get killed, and once he reached the town it would be a huge fight among all the guards, other NPCs and players until he was killed or it killed everyone in the town, and until he reached the atmosphere and tension was great guards yelling orders, others running to try to stop or slow it, everyone in town getting ready… or would have been if a random level 60 hadn’t passed by on his way elsewhere when stitches was almost in town and one shot him.
Personally I’m happy that it won’t happen here, that there are no level 80’s one shoting all event mobs, groups events and bosses while I’m leveling, or that I can explore the entire world and still have even if it’s a little bit of challenge and posibility of meaningful rewards instead of just two or three areas where I’m supposed to play once I get to level cap. It’s actually one of the things that attracted me to this game, and I love how it works (though I’d like it to be tweaked as I said in an earlier post).
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Don’t feed the troll. However if he’s serious tell him to go back to WoW where content stops being relevant the higher level you are.
If he hasn’t realized his gear strength is the major factor then he’s a lost cause. Would also in turn explain why our genius here didn’t realize “ones individual mentality” has mostly to do with perspective not intelligence rofl-lol.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
Honestly, I like the downleveling. It’s not boring, and it keeps me on my toes. Killing everything in one hit takes very little thinking, but an opponent that is one level lower or even higher than you requires a bit of tact. Sure, you’ll start out hating the downlevel, but the more you play and the more you think HOW to play the game, it makes it more fun. Seriously, WHERE is the fun in killing everything with one hit? I can truthfully say that when I was playing games like the ones from PWE (Jade Dynasty) and Tera, it was frustrating for me when I started out because all these really high level players came in and killed every monster in sight, leaving me standing there with an unfinished quest, and sometimes a timed one where it expired because they had killed everything in sight.
I also think downleveling is really good because it causes people to help each other when they’re in trouble. When I played Jade Dynasty and Tera, I never had anyone help me. I’ve been playing both games for well over 3 years, and not a single player has ever helped me in either games. GW2, I’ve had people help me if I’m in a mob flood, and in turn I hep them when they’re in a bind. I think it’s a way to bring people together.
Lastly, like several players said, you should check your gear and weapon. I once forgot to get new gear for my Ele, he was a lvl 67 wearing lvl 56 gear (miracle I survived that long without realizing I hadn’t gotten him new gear), and I checked because his HP was draining faster than normal. Oops! Forgot to get him proper gear for his level. Fixed it, and haven’t had that problem since. It could also be how you play the game too. If you don’t fully understand how to use your skills at the proper time, you’re certainly going to have a difficult time in GW2. It’s not just hit and hope the fella falls. If you know how to use your skills to the best of your ability, you shouldn’t have that much of a problem. :|