

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orlando.8192


My suggestion is for the implementation of ‘/resign’ to the game, which is the parallel of the command in GW1 which killed all the members of the party and allows them to leave an instance, but not respawn or anything.

Now, the reason this is something that would be good to have is for the reason that there are occasionally issues that require it;

Recently, my brother brought his story up to “Estate of Decay” and found that the door wouldn’t open to continue. He then found that as there was no way to just naturally leave the instance, he was forced to pay to go to a waypoint outside of the instance. A /resign command would allow for players who get into situations that lock them into an instance that is either bugged or whatever to get out, without having to pay for the waypoint.

The command, if used would terminate the instance, so if it was used in a dungeon(by all of the party), it would force players to restart, so it is not used for any bad reasons.

Others would also cite pvp reasons; in sPvP, if a team has people quit, it is possible to have a long and not all that fun game.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Rather than have a / command, the “leave instance” button should be available on ALL instances (including dungeons), not just some of them as it is now. Then all instances would work the same way: if someone wants to leave for whatever, they just click the button.

Of course, there may be consequences to leaving an instance, but that’s a different matter.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


agreed a /resign would be nice although a /stuck would be nicer . Ive gotten stuck quite a few times jumping into or out of combat


in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

I think /stuck is a command, it just doesn’t do anything atm. Typing it didn’t give me a message about unknown command.

Anyways. /resign would be real nice.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Barlisk.9735


/suicide and make travel to the closest waypoint while dead, free.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


/suicide and make travel to the closest waypoint while dead, free.

That doesn’t actually address the issue of being in an instance. Besides, rezzing at a WP inside a dungeon is already free.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Barlisk.9735


/suicide and make travel to the closest waypoint while dead, free.

That doesn’t actually address the issue of being in an instance. Besides, rezzing at a WP inside a dungeon is already free.

How does it not? /suicide… You die… you teleport out to a WP for free. How is this any different than what the OP is suggesting? And Im pretty sure I didn’t say anything about dungeons. The option after using /suicide inside an instance would be… Start from last checkpoint, Restart Instance, and Exit to closest Waypoint.

or better yet… just /leave map. only works while in an instance of any kind. and you wouldnt suffer a death.