Rather than have a / command, the “leave instance” button should be available on ALL instances (including dungeons), not just some of them as it is now. Then all instances would work the same way: if someone wants to leave for whatever, they just click the button.
Of course, there may be consequences to leaving an instance, but that’s a different matter.
agreed a /resign would be nice although a /stuck would be nicer . Ive gotten stuck quite a few times jumping into or out of combat
I think /stuck is a command, it just doesn’t do anything atm. Typing it didn’t give me a message about unknown command.
Anyways. /resign would be real nice.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
/suicide and make travel to the closest waypoint while dead, free.
/suicide and make travel to the closest waypoint while dead, free.
That doesn’t actually address the issue of being in an instance. Besides, rezzing at a WP inside a dungeon is already free.
/suicide and make travel to the closest waypoint while dead, free.
That doesn’t actually address the issue of being in an instance. Besides, rezzing at a WP inside a dungeon is already free.
How does it not? /suicide… You die… you teleport out to a WP for free. How is this any different than what the OP is suggesting? And Im pretty sure I didn’t say anything about dungeons. The option after using /suicide inside an instance would be… Start from last checkpoint, Restart Instance, and Exit to closest Waypoint.
or better yet… just /leave map. only works while in an instance of any kind. and you wouldnt suffer a death.