I know there are no dedicated healers that’s not what this thread is about.
It’s also not about PVP of any kind.
I’m speaking specifically about condition damage nerfs and healing nerfs that were originally intended only to balance pvp but have bled over into the realm of PVE.
One of the features listed in this game title prior to launch was the separation of the coding and behaviors between pvp and pve abilities so that no one would have to respec, relearn, or have issues on either side if one side was adjusted. This is definitely not happening.
I’ve watched as slowly patch after patch the balance adjustments to the scout classes have one by one wittled away any component that gave them a benefit until the only armor set and spec viable is the cookie cutter pow/prec/crit damage sets.
The other thing I’ve noticed is that only one profession in the game does ANY real healing at all. Whatever happened to the engineer healer? That went out the window somehow. The enhancements to healing on the engineer can barely help keep people in toughness armor alive in world events or in dungeons anymore. Regen is almost nil.
Sadly even the AOE’s used in the elixir guns are useless. Burning is the only viable damage type if you’re not a necromancer and to choose enhanced burning in the engineer traits is to reduce your overall damage.
This game was supposed to be about choices. instead we are being pidgeon holed into a single fit piece to do what everyone else is doing all because of pvp balance issues. It’s not right.
I hope this kind of thing gets resolved soon.
Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!