romove magic find gear

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: grimz.1785


After spending hours and all my gold on magic find gear in the hope of making more gold and getting better gear.
I have been playing for weeks with a good friend of mine farming events etc and only this morning he had 14 yellows drop in 2 hrs with no magic finding gear on and then there was me with full magic find gear /runes/weapons/sigil and food and again i havent dropped one yellow.
Can someone pls explane to me what is the point of having this stat when it clearly does not help at all surly this should have the some effect as crit dmg/ con dmg etc as it all cost the same.
I know after playing mmos for many many yrs that some players have more luck than other with me being one with very bad luck i thought this gear would help my chanes but it clearly has not.

ps sry for any spelling etc my typing isnt good which is why this is my fist post lol

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


I understand your frustration, and I’m currently decked out in full pillaging gear, but it does seem to make little difference…I think that the drop rate for yellows/oranges is so low anyway that the number boost is negligible.

I know they’re RARE and EXOTIC, but I wouldn’t mind getting a few more in Orr now and again :p

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaemrys.5320


I’m kind of curious about this as well. I’ve got a good set of MF gear and food and I’ve yet to get yellows in the last few days let alone any exotics… I’m really starting to think something is up with this… =/

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Schakal.6091


Magic Find armor makes only a small dent in your MF total. 18% isn’t a hell of a lot. You can get up to 35% from L80 jewelry. 60% from runes. 40% from food. 15% from a Superior Sigil of Luck… And then there’s Magic Find Boosters. So you can achieve totals of over 200% Magic Find. Remember that all of these need to be viable choices if people can go that high. And then there’s a random factor involved.

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romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


You dont get more rare/exotic. You get more greens/blues or better crafting materials/salvagable.

Just because you have good magic find doesnt mean you’re supposed to get only rare/exotics. Dont you think its a bit OP?

Also, keep in mind that magic find boost is only a percentage stat within the whole loot drop calculations. It helps having it, its better than nothing. Its just the psychological effect it has doesn’t exceed the expectations of players in drops.

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romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaded.8591


When i go through WvW in my condition armor, mob grinding with my friends as we move to events, my bags fill pretty quickly. Then, i switch to my rare magic find set…and BAMB! I STOP getting loot. i maybe get 5 things, and a good portion of them are hoofs or fins or other useless trophies.

I’ve done this 4-5 times(1-2 hours each) before i simply gave up using magic find all together, especially in Ruins of Orr.

I’m not expecting to find rares and exotics only, I’m expecting to get the same amount of loot and be what DKP said: more greens and blues or better crafting/salvagable materials.

This has yet to happen

Tell me how that makes sense?


romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


I also would like magic find removed from the game. Same with gold drop % increase.

Both of these are incredibly stupid.

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


How Magic Find Works

Each item / rarity has a % at which it can drop assigned to it.

Let’s say, for example, Rare (yellow) items have a 5% chance to drop.

If you have 100% MF gear, then Rare items then have a 10% chance to drop, since the chance has doubled (5% base and 5% added on).

Still pretty low, but the chance is indeed higher than without. It’s just you don’t see the results immediately, but in the long run.

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romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


If you don’t like MF then don’t use it. Why remove it from the game? Aren’t there more important things to fix right now?

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I wouldn’t be surprised if +MF worked similarly to the double chance events in GW1; that the boost is so miniscule that you probably would never notice it. 3 × 0.1% is still only 0.3%. :P

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


If you don’t like MF then don’t use it. Why remove it from the game? Aren’t there more important things to fix right now?


Let’s no go down the route of demanding things we don’t personally like be removed from the game. That’s just ridiculous.

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romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nagorn.2307


After some testing i realize that MF seems to be a negative stat. The more mf you have the less items you get in dungeons and PvE. It’s lame that playing with friends with 0% they get better and more drop than me with 100%. Anet must review mf maybe isn’t working well as other things in this game.

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


i do not believe, mrsrachelm, the issue is that folk don’t like magic find; rather, i think the issue is as follows:

anet provided magic find as a means to boost loot drops
people are finding rather than boosting, it’s in some cases detracting from

with no clear definition of what, specifically, magic find is supposed to increase the drop rates of — dyes? blues? greens? “magic” items (which are what, again, specifically?) and so on — there are few ways to accurately track what it may be boosting. so if you have two sets of gear, and you switch them, and you notice your loot rate drops, but you don’t notice that your % of “magic” items found has increased, it only seems to be that mf negatively impacts your looting.

what would be beneficial would be a description of just what these “magic” items are, and a yes/no on whether mf is, currently, working as intended.

romove magic find gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“If you don’t like MF then don’t use it. Why remove it from the game? Aren’t there more important things to fix right now?”

It’s because it’s a stupid stat idea. Why not just make armour that says “Gives you money for being logged in – may actually take money away.” Weither or not the “may actually take money away” part is there, this is a stupid armour set. GW1 was not about boosting you drop rate through armour, and it creates disparity amongst players. To me it also goes against ANet’s play like you want motif.

“Sure you CAN run cleric’s armour but you PROBABLY won’t get good loot. But you can do it if you WANT to.” So yeah, you end up running full MF. Yay.