[sPvP] I would love this on 26!

[sPvP] I would love this on 26!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pharexys.4280


1) Solo que

Explication of how i see Soloque:
We have matchmaking so just let players to solo/duo submit roster like on free tournaments and since you announced its player ranking and not team ranking it will place you in a fight agaisnt a similar rank team/players. If we have player rank, why would i have to spend time to create/join a team ?
SoloQue will bring ALOT of new players into paid tournaments and will grow the pvp community. And no, you dont need to separate anything.
The way que is now with a 5man team is separating evryone right now, becouse you have to find 5 man wich is hard sometime, there are no LFG channels wich are on all europe servers, there are no dedicated forums for it, there is no tool at all to help you find team mates and sign up as a 5man into paid que.
So give us the system free has as sign’ing up and implement the same matchmaking you already say we have. Evry player should work for hes ranking and not being carried by a team imo.

2) Statistics of “what inviduals have done” in a game.

I am a very very kitten player, thank you, but i want to improve myself or players around me, so in my eyes having statistics and logs of what i did on evry match it will help me alot alot to improve. My memory is short, being in a position when i take decisions evry single minute for 10+ humans and playing with other humans money sometime it makes your hard drive to be a bit slower in the progress of a online game mechanics. In other words, look at dota, lol etc, give us what you have now and expand it more and more as much as you can in this direction. This will help ALOT of theory crafters, solving the “bad” or “good” players, the kitten contests, the knowledge of the pvp community, and so on. There is no way this game will come even close to Esport without those 2 functions. But i would love to have them on 26 to give me a little hope for future.

3) Ladder on WEBSITE and INGAME.
I want to see a ladder on your WEBSITE and not on a forum post that is being edited and so on. It looks very bad for a company of your dimension to have this for 4-5 months. If my website would use this method we’d lose 40%+ of our sales.
If you want an exemple please check : http://mos.millenium.org/players
I know it takes time in your interviews, but if other players without any salary or motivation can do it faster then you, it means there is something that it shouldnt be there and me as a player and a customer i get suspicious.
You already have the wall for the INGAME monthly/daily tournaments or whatever you want to bring in future. I am asking you, how hard can it be to copy paste the same WALL and make a script to get the QP number and player name into that WALL and show it ONLINE INGAME at anytime and being updated in real time. This function will bring the proffesionalism i’d love to see at your company and i was expecting and i really cant even beleve its not even done yet.

Thank you and on 26 i know ARENANET will give us atleast those 3 MUST NEED functions. Otherwise it’ll be harder and harder to get anything done ingame.

Wish you a nice day.

Devils Inside for life.