[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dejw.5164


First of all, I’d like to apologize for any misspellings in this topic, my english is not perfect.

So let’s get started. I honestly don’t know, if you have lack of staff focused on sPvP or just don’t have a vision. Either way, it’s a problem. But what I know is that your work is not easy and therefore I will not whine in this topic. I will try to help. So let me just say, what changes I think you should implement to the game and in what order to implement them.

1. Don’t let premade teams compete teams composed of solo-queuers. This is THE No.1 priority thing. Even with rating, it just simply won’t work, because coordinated team is simply still stronger, especially if the team uses VOIP. In my humble opinion, this is the thing that destroys this game (tPvP part of the game).

2. Give us a temporary solution for map rotation in tournaments. It’s simply not fun to play one map whole week. I remember seeing Jon Peters replying in some topic that you are thinking about giving more tournaments which would be the same except there would be a different map. This is temporary solution of course (hope you guys know that) and should not take much of your time)

3. Show us our rating! Make a ladder.

4. Introduce ranked and unranked play. I don’t think hot joins are really competetive way to play unranked, truth be told, it’s more of a zerg rush. This is one way to do it:

Also I wouldn’t remove hot joins! It’s the best way how to farm glory, which I know you guys want to find some use for the glory right know. More about that in the following point:

5. Add some motivation to the game. Give us more reasons for coming back to YOUR game! I would like to see some new rewards for glory and also, there should be some rewards, that only the skilled players with high rating can achieve. And please note, that skill is not measured by PvP rank (rabbit, deer etc…)!

Ok now… if you are having trouble to make some money to pay the sPvP staff and running servers, simply

6. Add sPvP stuff into the gem store. This could be a good solution how to make some money in the sPvP department. If the sPvP team is small, which I truly believe it is and your boss doesn’t want to give you more people, you seriously need to figure out some ways to make some good profits! I truly believe, if this game becomes an e-sport, it will lure very large amount of players and sponsors, that you will be rich like hell)

7. Somewhere here is a really good time to remove a temporary solution from #2 and introduce some way for the players to choose a map they want to play. There are 5 viable (according to you) maps in the tournament rotation, my solution is, that each team would choose 2 maps that they don’t want to play so the team ended up playing on a random map from the rest of the 3 maps.

8. Observer mode and replays. No comment here, it’s just what the name says.

9. And finally but not lastly Add daily and monthly tournaments. There should be some entry fee for these tournaments and of course, better and more tempting rewards! (Shineeeeeeees)

10. New maps and PvP modes. I would give a thought on 3v3 and some other type of matches (not only conquest) and new maps, of course. But please notice, this is #10, if you add new map into this current system, most players take it only as some kind of compensation.

Now something about your beloved custom arenas. Truth be told, nobody really knows how it will work and maybe it will solve some part of my ideas here. I know you are working on these, so I guess it would be a shame to stop, but let me warn you: You implement features to the game, that in the beginning look like a very good idea, but after time, it turns out, it was a really bad way how to do it. And I am very concerned this is exactly the case. Thing about it thoroughly. But they would be usefull for duels and friendly matches, I’ll give you that.

And the last thing, Balance. I didn’t put a number on this, because this should be dealt with continuously. I think the balance in the game today is on a good level as far as viable builds are concerned. The biggest problem which I see is, that every profession has very few builds to play, and a lot of skills (and traits) is simply useless.

Also, I highly recommend, that you talk to the sPvP community more. We honestly have no idea what’s going on and a lot of people are leaving this game. And I think it’s for your own good to prevent that from happening.

In the end I’d like to say, that everything I posted is of course discussable (especially opinions on the order of these features will vary I guess).

So that’s it from me, now it’s your turn ANet.

(edited by Dejw.5164)

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: iTB.1428


some interesting thoughts
bumb for visibility

I tb | Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: FejZak.9573


Thumbs up! …Think about this ANet

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sanis.1096


stuff like this has been said since beta, but PvE > PvP

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: DDog.4350


The only posts i see these days are people that want: Ladders, solo que, premade queu etc. I think A-net got the message.

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Savvasp.8397


Just bumping this up for more people to read. Very nice, well-written thread.

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dejw.5164


stuff like this has been said since beta, but PvE > PvP

Well I think it’s because they simply have no returns from sPvP. Read #6.

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jacobin.8509


I have to agree on all points.

The time to implement this stuff is the main issue.

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The number one priority should be to get more people working on sPvP development. It’s really disheartening to read things like this; “As designers have come off other projects and joined us, we’ve increased the amount of content we’ll be delivering, starting at the end of March.” from the resent Living Story: Evolution article.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dejw.5164


Really thanks ANet for moving this topic to “suggestions” where no PvP players will read it.. I wanted to have some PvP discussion about these ideas and you’ve just buried it.. And I was polite! I didn’t whine and even said, that I understand your work is hard..

You know it took me some time to write this down! As I said, my english is not perfect….

(edited by Dejw.5164)

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nornagest.2675


Anyway this game is DEAD PvP game without PvP what a joke.

[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: eMeL.6253


I totally agree with dejw! In any one point. I would be happy if there was the opportunity to save builds in game (as in GW1 template). So anet please start listening to the pvp community if you want to start life in mists again! thank you



[sPvP] My ideas for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragnor.8174


you forgot, custom matches! but anyway this all are things I think everyone expected to be in game in the first place, well long live the PvE