sPvP Suggestions

sPvP Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: HARRELSONNN.4872


Well, its recently been a time of change sPvP wise. From wiping Paids, to the addition of Spirit Watch, and new tournament rewards and formats. Gasp AND, new weapons, ranks and armors.

Change is good. In moderation. Here are some changes I suggest A-Net makes and why soon enough.

1. Big Tournaments.
I know they have talked about this before, and it was a no show this patch. I can only hope come end of March, we see elite, big tournaments. (THAT ARE OBSERVABLE.) I suggest rankings, through Qualifying Points decide this. Bringing me to my next point..

I myself have 4 QP, but I feel as if they are a deciding factor in our “best” PvPers and are something we work for. We could also be rewarded for these. ????

3. New Map Modes
Perhaps, we can keep our maps as of now. With a new one added every now and then. But lets make 1 or 2 more game modes, such as Slayer/Team Deathmatch or some type of Capture mode. (Not an orb over and over) A LOCATION. Or an object. Where we actually work and win because of it.

What are your ideas/suggestions?

Keep Guildin!
Good job ANET so far.

Self honesty leads to wisdom.

sPvP Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DDog.4350


GvG like GW1 will make this game, everyday we don’t have it is a lost day.
My opinion.

sPvP Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axis.1085


Im not sure how deathmach will work in GW2 since we dont have the holly trinity. I think spiking can be a problem when you dont have dedicated healing classes.

If this is not a problem then I woud love to see GvG implemented.

sPvP Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siam.1278


Just throwing ideas.


3 objects to destroy. 1 team defends, 1 team attacks. Objects can only be attacked/damaged by a bundle that a player from the attacking team has to carry. Attackers have a limited number of bundles available to them. Objects can’t be healed. Defenders win when the Attackers run out of bundles or time expires. Attackers win when the 3 objects are destroyed.