sPvP needs a rework. Here's my suggestion

sPvP needs a rework. Here's my suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Altnob.7083


Altnob: remove glory
Altnob: add rank ups (new gear) based on wins
Altnob: rank ups based on glory promotes player playing for points and not to win the match which is what spvp *is about, winning
Altnob: add MMR system (they already have it in, make it default)
Altnob: you don’t lose points for losing until your MMR is high
Altnob: sc2 does this. once you hit diamond you lose points
Altnob: it’s not a lot you still gain more for winning but again
Altnob: it puts more emphasis on WINNING
Altnob: people will want to win
Altnob: the higher you get
Altnob: the more you lose
Altnob: it’d make it like league of legends
Altnob: except balanced
Altnob: the higher rank you are, the better looking gear you get
Altnob: again, more incentive to win
Altnob: instead of everyone standing on a node for “points”
Altnob: because it’s broken and flawed and promotes node camping
Altnob: also 5v5 makes it more fun for doing this
Altnob: 8v8 enables like 3v1s at nodes and what not
Altnob: which isn’t fun
Altnob: 5v5 should never be a 3v1

One thing I don’t think I mentioned. Make the “play” button on the pvp browser default for joining games. At the moment it matches you with players near your rank which is pointless at the moment since rank = points = no skill. In a spvp world where rank = wins = skill then the “play” button would mean all the difference in a fun skillful match and the 8v8 5v1 noobfest current spvp (non tourny mode) is.

8v8 should be removed. 5v5s is what spvp is about. don’t even mention tournament mode since it’s not even what I’m talking about. Tournament mode would just offer cooler equipment.

also: gear requirements now based on rank (which would be based on wins=cooler gear=more skillful player opposed to the current noobglorygrind->coolergear->thatguyisstillanoob
copy pasted from convo with friend.

ignore my league of legends reference i was specifically using that for my buddy’s understanding. i hate league and it sucks due to lack of balance<- this thread is not about LoL or anyone who cares to bring it up.

edit: one last thing to add. if you enjoy pvp in all seriousness you should be able to agree with me on this.

killing people who aren’t that skillful is fun. I can do it all day. However, when you have an epic 1v1 or 1v2 that is long and portrays each players skill be it whether you won or lost (winning makes it that much better) it’s a lot more fun than the other 50-60 people you’ve killed that day. Right? It stands out more. This system would promote having moments like these often.

(edited by Altnob.7083)