

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spyder.9713



How bout increase in the duration of stealth… after all thats what theifs are suppost to do, hit and run, right now it is hard to even get a back stab off cause the see u there b4 u go stealth and start dancing around… u need more of an element of surprise


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nihevil.8024


Stealth stacks and you can increase stealth duration by 1 second in shadow arts trait line.

Increasing stealth duration from skills will most likely not happen, so don’t count on it.

Elitism in Guild Wars 2.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Spyder.9713


ya i know it stacks the most i have gotten was 10 secs.. which was nice the thing is the role of a stealther in grps battles is they are to thin out the squishies and then usually get mob crushed… they are the ones who need to be able to sneak into enemy lines for them to truely shine… one on one they are good but still wit the constant kiten its hard to get ur backstab off which is the stealthers openning strike to balance out there squishyness


in Suggestions

Posted by: Spyder.9713


even if they make it that u cant stealth in battle but get more duration that would work… thats how almost all mmorpg handle the stealth class


in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


I dissagree with increasing the duration of stealth and this is why: I built my character around stealth for wvw pvp and I can stealth every 3 seconds or so (the time for one full auto hit combo) that lasts 3-4 seconds. With culling it means that I come out of stealth for about 1.5 seconds each time, wich is not enough time for anything anyone can do to stop me.

What I would suggest is making the time between stealth up to 5 seconds and giving the first 1 second or 0.5 seconds of stealth as an evade, since it makes sense physics-wise that if I dissappear in front of you you are going to be thrown off your atack at least for a small amount of time (i go stealth and move like an inch so you miss your attack). I know we have a trait that makes us blind every time we stealth but blind is so underpowered in pvp that its not a very viable option for a trait unless you are 1v1, wich is not the case ever.

Why not make a trait that causes the evade instead? This would also allow thieves to not get destroyed by all the super OP aoe attacks that every class seems to drop on the ground and it ticks for as much damage as our highest damage ability.

(edited by Outlavv.2954)


in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I kinda like the .5-1 second evade on stealth as it makes sense (I hate how people can channel onto us when we enter stealth and continue hitting us accuratly), but I think 2 things should go along with that so stealth doesnt become even more powerful than some people claim it to be.

1. Increase stealth durations by 1 second, excluding trait. With trait, it should increase stealth duration by another 1 second.
2. Increase the time between stealthing from the ~3 seconds to about 6 seconds.

I have nothing against thieves power, I actually main one in pvp/pve. I do however have an issue that stealth seems too much like a basic attack. If you’re glass cannon, you must spam it constantly to throw your target off unless you get the minor trait in acrobatics to regain some endurance on dodge but again that is too limiting. They have many great traits related to stealth but with how short stealth usually lasts it hardly seems worth it to use up a major trait slot with them.
For example, 20% dmg Vs target with 50% or less health, or 100% crit chance in stealth. Option 2 is definitly nice but 20% dmg is very significant and with berserker or even rampager’s set, crits happen very often. There really needs to be some work on the traits related to stelath as well as give us options to how it behaves (i.e. short lasting constantly, or longer lasting with long debuff inbetween and possibly other downfalls like -10% movement speed or something.)

I played stealth thief for a long time, I really really enjoy the stealth exclusive skills each weapon has. I do not like the feel of spamming stealth however. Even if a few seconds here, another few seconds there were added as an optional trait build I’d be fine (I’m not for perma stealth). Some ideas to improve these things could be

Hiddin Killer- Every second you remain in stealth, increase your crit dmg by 1%. Caps at lets say 10%. Crit dmg lost after first attack from stealth.

Shadow’s Embrace- Same except an added bonus. If you let stealth run out you come out with X seconds of protection. (As in you do not attack while stealthed, and the time expires). Part 2 could have a cooldown to prevent perma-protection.

Cloaked in Shadow- Leave behind a smoke cloud when you stealth, blinding foes in it. Cloud lasts 2 seconds. Shorten radius of effect. Dash/whirlwind/leap skills will disperse the smoke cloud.

Just some ideas, don’t have to be taken seriously.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)


in Suggestions

Posted by: DarkDream.3012


I don’t see the need in making the stealths longer. The game is made in a way that if you want to build your character around something, you need to sacrifice other things in exchange. It would be silly to have long stealths and then any other big advantages.

If you are looking for a stealth build for your thief, you can get up to around 14-17 seconds of stealth combining skills like: Shadow Refugee, Hide in Shadows, Blinding Powder and Steal. Appropriate traits too – 1 second longer stealth, stealing gives you stealth, 50% faster movement speed while in stealth. You can easily get 15 seconds of stealth.

15 seconds of not being visible in a dynamic game like Guild Wars 2, especially in PvP gives you MASSIVE advantage. This is why there are cooldowns and you won’t be able to use this combo one after another straight away.

Please don’t make the stealth longer – this comes from a player with a thief as a main.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Blueshield.6291


even if they make it that u cant stealth in battle but get more duration that would work… thats how almost all mmorpg handle the stealth class

If they removed the ability to stealth in combat, it would essentially render all of the modified-for-stealth primary attacks and a number of traits useless. In other words, a substantial amount of re-balancing would be necessary.

Also, I don’t know what MMORPGs you’ve been playing to make the statement that most disallow stealthing in combat. Limiting stealth to solely out-of-combat would render a stealth class… well, not a stealth class.