/stuck Feature

/stuck Feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhase.2047


Apparently I’m the only person who keeps getting stuck in the mountains and hills and wherever else sneaky holes lay in wait, since a search brought up no topics asking for a /stuck.

Yes, technically I can port out, but at 80 it gets expensive. Especially when it is the map that is flawed and it really isn’t a player’s fault if they get caught in it. Would coding a /stuck be a possibility?

This happens a lot more often than I should like to admit. I am alt tabbed stuck in a hole as we speak. Save kitties from holes please. ._.

/stuck Feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinsko.9342


In another thread it was suggested to have 1 free teleport an hour – which I think would be great (and could work in this situation).

Most games that have a /stuck command typically burn your teleport cooldown or suicide your character anyway. I’ve only gotten stuck twice so far – both times in doors that swing open… but it would be a nice feature.

Saints – Ranger / Vincent Nightmare – Thief