suggestion 1:
I have see how the in fusion slot upgrades are now. +5 condition damage for example. People say that’s extremely low for the price and their right. PLZ make that + 5 condition damage INTO + 5% condition damage, (example: + 5% toughness. +5% damage ect…)
suggestion 2:
The + 20% experience is good, I don’t know how useful that is when your 80 but, from this point on I’m going to post a list of infusion upgrades that would be in the same tier or higher than the +20%’s. these upgrades specific to the piece of armor you apply them to.(exp: infusion chest upgrade can only be applied to chest piece of armor) These upgrades should probably cost more laurels than any of the other upgrades including the ones above also the upgrades them selves should be very specific.
(when you see a hyphen( – ) it starts a new upgrade)
Head piece upgrades:
- see the invisible, and when standing still for 5 seconds walls, structures and debris become transparent to you.
- see enemy targets on your mini-map display, also allows you to expand the view of your mini-map display.
- immune to critical strikes
- increases damage with ranged weapons 10%
- increases damage with melee weapons 10%
- immune to blind, and can see in complete darkness and any other vision impaired areas or situations.
Chest piece upgrades:
- immune to burning and increases health 10%
- immune to bleeding and increases health 10%
- immune to weakness and increases health 10%
- immune to vulnerability and increases health 10%
- immune to poison and increases health 10%
- Increases healing received by 20% and Heals .1% of your maximum health every second.
- Heals .6% of your maximum health every second.
- reduce incoming damage by 10%
-reduce incoming melee damage by 15%
-reduce incoming ranged damage by 15%
- uses endurance as an over shield, 5 damage taken removes 1% endurance. (disables dodging)
Shoulder piece upgrades:
- increase critical strike 10% with ranged weapons.
- reduce incoming damage by 3%, also reduces incoming damage by 10 every time you are attacked.
- adds one more bar of endurance giving you 50% more endurance.
- boons received last 50% longer.
- conditions applied last 50% longer.
leg piece upgrades:
- carry 100% more supplies (for wvw pvp)
- kick moves do 100% more damage and knock back 75% further.
- immune to fall damage.
- every time a boon’s duration runs out, their is a 30% chance it is renewed for its original duration.
- reduces the cool down of all non-weapon moves by 25%
Hand piece upgrades:
- no cool down for swapping weapons.
- do 10% more damage.
- when reviving you help them up 50% faster.
- when reviving, if the person is revived by you, they are completely restored.
- do 15% more damage with 2 handed weapons.
- do 15% more damage with 1 handed weapons.
- critical strikes do 25% bonus damage (bonus damage is not effected by immunities)
- receive twice the amount of resources from gathering, and items made by your professions are 25% more effective.
- when building your supplies are spent more wisely repairing for building 100% more. ( for wvw pvp)
Foot piece upgrades:
- Immune to fall damage and when jumping you take off as if you were firing a trebuchet. ( allows you to jump twice as far but holding the jump button down builds up lift, uses endurance, disables dodging)
- grants 75% bonus speed when out of battle.
- gives immunity to slow, chill and immobilizing effects.
- grants 20% bonus speed and immunity to immobilizing effects.
- grants immunity from aoe effects and damage.
- grants water walking, and 20% movement speed while walking on water or swimming under the water. (can no longer swim on top of the water.)
I know these are over powered to what we have now. But that’s what I’m suggesting. these of course take the place of the runes slots in armor now. these should be the top rack in upgrades for armor and should all be in the same price range. Also only bought with laurels. Only one can be applied to the corresponding piece of armor.
I made these specific cuz i suggest that these upgrade make the player sit down and ask the question. Which is better for me?
If you think of an upgrade plz post. Maybe, the devs will actually see this and like it
item slot:
- your upgrade
(edited by smitty.2607)