*suggestion* Weapon swapping-individual skill

*suggestion* Weapon swapping-individual skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: butch.8136



I’m playing on Desolation as a necro. I’m only r14, without any QP’s. So if you think that makes my opinion worthless, don’t read on.

I was thinking about weapon swapping again and how it got removed from tpvp. While at first I was pro the change, I’m actually not sure if it was really that good for the game.

Why I supported the change?

It was never a part of the gameplay. They said before they were gonna change it and you had to do it in your inventory. So it was clearly not ‘meant to be’. And it sounded fair. You play with the build you have for the entire match. Sounds normal.

Why I changed my mind now?

The individual skill ceiling isn’t that high atm. Maybe it’s because I’m a necro but I can say, even though I’m only r14 through free’s, I know my build/playstyle.

The only way to improve and win more atm is get a steady team who all mastered their class and get on teamspeak. Ofcourse it sounds easier than it is, but it is the basic.

Solo queu’ing sucks in this state. Why?

Team comp/strat is way way more important than individual skill.
If I solo free’s and I get with people who don’t talk and just do their own thing, it’s in 80% of the cases a loss.

Should individual skill>team skill?

No, ofcourse not. That’s impossible. But it’s a too big difference between the two atm. They should be a bit closer to each other.

How to change?

Bring back weapon swapping. But make it part of the game. Pve and pvp-wise. Make a little UI thingy above the skills or something like that. Make it easy to swap weapons out of combat. Only out of combat ofcourse, otherwise this becomes WoW with too many skills/choices and it gets too overwhelming.

Why didn’t people use it that much?
It was too obnoxious. Playing with your inventory open and clicking those weapons suck (Experienced this in GW1 gvg). And most people didn’t bother with it ‘cus of that. It only happened by ’pro’ teams.

Make it part of the actual game. So people actually see its possible/viable. People in pve wouldn’t care about, instead they might even like it too. It doesn’t bother them. What it does for the pvp, is increase the individual skill ceiling a bit more.

I hope it was little bit clear. English isn’t my main language.

Your toughts?

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

*suggestion* Weapon swapping-individual skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I liked it .. it was totally gamebreaking and it’s good that they stopped me and anyone else willing to do it from doing it.

Mesmer who can constantly get swiftness out of combat? Over Powered.
Mesmer who can summon an extra phantasm outside of his weapon set? OP
Massive Group buffing up to 1 minute of swiftness in the beginning of the match and no reprocussions later? OP

This game is marketed as an e-sport, to do that they need to remove borderline-exploits like this, so that balance becomes possible. How would you even go about balancing the ability to switch whole weaponsets during a game?

5v5 is about teamplay and it’s always going to be about teamplay and the game is balanced based on 5v5 teamplay, getting on teamspeak helps but it doesn’t give you the personal skill of teamplay.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

*suggestion* Weapon swapping-individual skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: butch.8136


Make it so:

Swapping weapons makes you lose minions/clones, buffs even.

Greyed out skills until timer begins to run.

Utilities stay locked entire game.

Teamplay is important, but an increase in individual skill wouldn’t be wrong.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

*suggestion* Weapon swapping-individual skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darnis.4056


You’d also need a cooldown on this switch, maybe once a minute.
Out of combat ONLY
It’s a whole lot of coding for such minor mechanic I’d prefer they fix the many bugged traits new mesmer GCD fiasco minion pathing.. etc..

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

*suggestion* Weapon swapping-individual skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shukran.4851


what if i just answer no, because this way teams are forced to “teambuild” insted of solobuild-later-will-see-if-anything-else-is-needed.