suggestions for gw2-pvp to grow

suggestions for gw2-pvp to grow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ultima.8673


I am german so sry for my grammar & strange sentences

I want a higher playerbase in pvp.

Imo forest of nifhel, legacy of foefire, battle of khylo and temple map (just change water!)are great designed pvp maps!

How do u achieve a bigger playerbase? Well thats pretty simple; implement new battlegroundmodes
which makes a lot of fun and are easy to understand for the community. (skyhammer frustrates me , it favours stability and cc-classes, instantdeath by falling) Take as an example the different ! scenarios/battlegrounds from warhammer online age of reckoning they were so much fun!
Domination (conquest)-mode, we already have, real capture the flag misses! spirit watch is a cross of domination and capture the flag (too complicated for community!) what about single flag ctf, two flag ctf, bombing run, escort, deathmatch ( team a starts south , team b starts north and in the middle is only a big node which u must conquer! This battleground gave me orgasms cause of constant fighting, defending the node or trying to conquer it, this mode is easy to understand for everyone!) is missing
or hutball from star wars the old republic…. And I am a pvehater I loved the fact that u could play alltime pvp in warhammer and rise ur level by only doing battlegrounds. In battlegrounds enemy dropped nice gear. and I want to choose in

soloqueue /teamqueue what maps I wan to play and what not!!! ranked games should only be for balanced maps ( no skyhammer, spiritwatch)

and why do I have so much glory points ? I want legendaries, cool pvpclothes only the best can achieve, titles, special finishers, badges of honours… The community want to achieve something in pvp! gold, gems, special things..
I dont want to open those chests I get from the pvp…

Try to implement leagues so people in a lower league can raise & feel that they achieve something (wood league, iron, bronze, silver, gold, platin, diamond, master, grandmasterleagues)

and I want a page like
in which u search for example for a certain role : support, tank, roamer and u will find some nice builds

The spectator mode u should be able to see how far a node is capped …and maybe show the pointincoming from nodes .. so u can see how much points gave node a ! kills/assists/into downstate /rezzes and stomps should also be shown somewhere.. better userinterface for spectators = more utility, short and easy to see

my opinion is based on my experience from different mmorpg/games : star wars, tera, aion, wow, warhammer online,rohan online, battlefield franchise and many more…

I have 3 gw2 accounts so if anybody will say i hate this game i gonna destroy him…
I can see the potential of gw2.

(edited by Ultima.8673)